dazai's child is born gifted

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i'm making up my own name, hope it's alright

Oriko was very jumpy and energetic like her father, always wanting to go outside or go visit everybody they knew. A very social butterfly. Oriko missed her father when he was gone at work, always begging to go with him. It broke your heart when you saw her with tears streaming down her face as the girls father said goodbye.

Your daughter now being 4 is in the tantrum stage making goodbyes more difficult. Times she was hanging off his pants leg trying to reason with him like 'if you stay I'll clean my room forever!' or 'if you bring me with you, I will make you a big cake.' Normally she would get over it only if her father gave a daily call.

It was a very chilly morning, the beginning of November. Being a normal day, Dazai was getting ready to head to the agency, but Oriko was sick from staying outside even after you told her to come in the night before. Her nose was red and puffy, and forehead was hot. You pitied her.

"Daddy pwease don't weave today. Mommy and I will be weally sad." Oriko sounded so cute messing up her r's with her w's as normal. Dazai pets her head, going down to her level. "I know darling, but if I don't work, I won't be able to buy you all the toys in the world. You are always so spoiled aren't you."

She sniffles, getting ready to cry. 'Oh no, not another one of these days.' You think to yourself. "Why do you never stay with us? It makes me angwy." She crosses her arms. Dazai coos over how adorable his daughter looks. "I might be able to pressure uncle kunikida into letting me leave early today." 'Might?' He will.

"No! You're not leaving me!" Oriko started whining. Dazai suddenly felt his left foot tingling. "Oriko move for a minute baby." She listened and moved away from his foot. "Strange, my leg felt weird for a moment." He tried moving his foot but it seemed stuck in place.

"Huh? What the hell." "Don't cuss!" You are quick to discipline him. "My foot won't move." Dazai put his pointer finer on his ankle and used his ability. It immediately became unstuck. He looked at Oriko. "Very interesting. Maybe you should go to work with me and we can see uncle atsushi." aww uncle atsushi 🥺

Oriko nodded her head and dragged her father to help dress her. She comes out with leggings, and thick fluffy shirt due to the chill, and a cute pair of boots. She looked adorable. "Yn. You you should come too. Everybody misses you." He flashes you a big smile. "Alright, let me get ready." It didn't take you long, only need a jacket and your shoes.

The walk was short due to the agency being close. Before going into the office, you stopped by the cafe and got some coffee and Oriko got a cinnamon roll.
The manager gave it to her for free since he absolutely adored her.

"Dazai, why the hell are you-ah." You slapped his head. "NO CUSSING IN FRONT OF ORIKO!" Not even kunikida back talked to you. "Ahh YN. Sorry I didn't know you both were here." He rubbed his head in pain. "YN! Oriko! How are you guys!" Ranpo runs over to you. "We are great. Well, Oriko is a little sick." Ranpo takes Oriko from the ground into his arms while she munches on her cinnamon roll. "Wow that looks good." He says stealing a piece. "Heyyyy!" She looks at him with a pout. "Sorry sorry." He puts her on the ground and she runs to her father.

Dazai picks her up. "I think we need to visit Fukuzawa don't you think." He says tossing her into the air while she giggles. When he gets to the office he knows good and knocks before stepping in. "Oh Dazai, you brought little Oriko today." Oriko would normally run to him but she was feeling under the weather.

"I think she might have an ability."

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