chuuya fluff alphabet

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^^this photo makes me act up

Who next?

A- activity
Collecting different types of wine and storing them for special occasions, who can cook the best competitions, riding his bike around at night. You like scrapbooking which Chuuya secretly likes it too.

He loves your legs, and he likes to run his hands up and down the when he has the chance. Something unusual he does is that when he is doing work at home, and he is laying on the bed with you, Chuuya will write with pen on your leg to remember something, like a phone number or an address.

After a stressful day, he will run his hands through your hair and brush it after you take a shower, or in the morning if you have long hair. If you have a panic attack, he will put your head in his lap and rub down your neck and back, telling you that he things you are beautiful and he will try and help things get better. If he needs to be comforted, he likes having a drink and reading a book with you sitting on his lap.

D- dreams
Chuuya is a person who has plans, not like Kunikida, but has somethings he wants in the future. He does want to get married, and he wants to find a nice house that is big enough for you both to roam around and has a big garage for cars and bikes. He sometimes thinks children are annoying, but if you want one or two, he will agree only if they are well taught though.

E- equal
The relationship itself is sort of equal, but he is a bit more dominant. Most likely he makes the most income so he might feel a bit more dominant that you. If you tell him what to do though, he will listen.

F- fight
Fighting is a bit more common in this relationship but they don't last long and are usually about something that shouldn't be fought about. One time there was fight about where you put his coat. He was upset because it made him late to a meeting, but when he came back home, he hugged you and apologized.

G- gratitude
He really loves when you do the small tiny things. When he falls asleep straight after he gets home, you take off his coat, and brush out his hair so it wouldn't be tangled in the morning. Or boiling some tea in the morning and making breakfast. When you put his paperwork in one organized pile, he really wants to thank you every moment of the day.

H- Honesty
Chuuya doesn't really talk about what happens in the mafia (unless you are in the mafia) but he doesn't keep any big secrets. He is definitely not as honest as Dazai, I mean some things need to be kept to yourself, but if something's really important or relatively important he will of course tell you.

I- inspiration
You inspired Chuuya to be more, social. Even if you aren't a social person, he feels more involved in something and wants to do things. So often he would want to go out and walk down by the ports with you or go shopping and spend all his money on you.

J- jealousy
Chuuya is only jealous of people he is close too. Such as people he works with, or friends, and he won't admit it but Dazai. He is scared Dazai will come over and say something funny, then take you away. Other than that he knows no one else can compare to him. If he does feel jealous, he will wrap an arm around your waist or shoulders.

K- kiss
He is actually more intimate than he seems. Chuuya always kisses you in the morning, when he goes to work, and when he gets home. Other times also but those are more private. The first kiss was at night on a jogging path by a river. You had been a close friend of his and he really liked you. Earlier that day he had gotten hurt, and he was scared it would happen again so he decided he would show you how he felt about you before it was to late.

L- love confession
I talked about it in the last, but after that kiss he asked if you wanted to go out for a drink. You agreed and while having a drink, he brought the topic back up and asked how you felt about him. Chuuya was very nervous since it's hard for him to trust people, but he felt really sure about you.

M- marriage
Yes, Chuuya decided he wanted to get married to you a little after dating. He really loves you and would like to be able to officially call you his. When you get married, he will be more romantic than before. Chuuya will leave cute small little notes when he leaves while you are asleep or in the shower, he will make your favorite breakfast every one in a while, and sometime if you are drunk enough, he will grab your hand and spin you around the living room playing music.

N- nicknames
He calls you Darling most of the time. Other names he will call you are Flower, Cherry, and when drunk chuuya comes out, acorn.

O- offering
He doesn't really bring home gives that often but sometimes he will stop by the store and grab some flowers. When he gets you thinks, you are probably with him.

Everyone he works with knows about your relationship due to you being close to each other when you visit. It's normal for him to have a hand on your shoulder or you are holding onto his arm.

Q- quirks
If you like to go on fancy dates, Chuuya.
If you like having a good time and get drunk, Chuuya.
If you like classical music and reading in bed, Chuuya.

R- romance
Chuuya is the GOD of romance. Probably one of the most romantic people ever. It's the small things that make him romantic. A lot of things in his house is red because it's a mature, intimate color. I mean, the way he looks is romantic.

S- support
He is very supportive. If you want to write a book, do it. If you want to star in a movie, do it. If you want to become a stripper, no. If you want to be a race-car driver, do it.

T- talking
Most conversations are normal day to day or sometimes silly conversations. Serious conversations is something Chuuya avoids because that's work stuff.

U- understanding
He tries to put himself in your position and see how he feels to try and understand you. Even if he can't understand, he still tries. If something has you upset, he will get you what you need to loosen up.

V- value
This relationship is just as important to him as alcohol. So that's saying a lot. He will drop everything if you need him to go to the store and get you ice cream or something your crave.

W-  wild card
He becomes so soft if you play with his hair, and make him hairstyles. He will go to work with what you do with his hair.

Y- yearning
He is better as being away from his partner as some people, but he will still feel alone if he doesn't see you when he goes to bed or wakes up. He will still make your favorite breakfast and put some leftovers in the fridge for you.

Z- zzz
He likes whenever you put one of your legs over his waist or tummy area and he holds onto it. Other sleep positions are facing each other and locking your arms.

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