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You screamed as your alarm blared at 5 fucking 30 like every other Monday. You dragged yourself out of bed and threw on a hoodie shoving your hair up in a messy bun and putting on your joggers (sweatpants ) and trainers before grabbing your glasses and going to the kitchen. You grabbed yourself a breakfast bar and went up to your parents room . You loudly knocked on the door .

mum - thanks sweetie remember we are going out of town this week until next Monday so you have your brother and he's going to your nans on Friday for the weekend
You - k

You then made their breakfast as well as Riley's and bobbys and went to bobbys room . You walked in and woke him up , go him dressed brushed his teeth. You sorted him then drove him to daycare . You got home and woke Riley up . Skip 1 hour it's now 7:30 and you have an hour before school. You said goodbye to everyone and headed to Starbucks . You got your drink and drove yourself to school. You got there 1/2 an hour early as usual and headed down to your best friends form room like you do every Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday. You pushed the door open .

You - I'm here bitch
Mads - hey girl
Jaden - hey um Cynthia I think it is
You - ugh you brought mister popular early too
Mads - hey leave him alone he stayed last night and I'm not leaving him with my dad am I
Jay - well someone don't like me
You - not that I don't like you I just can't stand the sight of love very simple
Mads - maybe if you actually left your house you'd find a man for yourself
You - I'm practically a parent at 16 how do you think that will work I can't leave my 4 year old brother on his own
Jay - there's a party this weekend
Mads - yesss he's at your grandparents your at home alone you could come with usss
You - I don't really feel like third wheeling thanks
Jay - we aren't going together I'm going with the boys
Mads - pleeeeaaassssseeee just one party then you never have to go again
You - but homework
Teacher - miss Lewis
Mads - sorry miss
You - fineeeee but only this once
Mads - yessssssssssssss
Jay - I've got to go babe got pe first
Mads - bye baby *kiss*
You - ew
Jaden - bye Cynthia
You - bye asshole
Jay - ouch

Jay left and you spent a few more minutes with mads then went to your form room . You hated everyone in there they all act like they like you to piss you off . Mostly the boys . You had one fried in that room . You walked in the door .

You - fuck off max
Mr blue - Cynthia language
You - yes sir
Harry - hey Cynthia
You - I really hate you all
Holly - apart from me
You - omg hollyyyy your here
Holly - yep
You - thank god
Holly - what's up girl
You - mads is making me go to the party on Saturday
Max - did I hear the Cynthia Parker going to a real party no way
Harry - don't get too exited her whole closet is probably hoodies she probably doesn't even own a decent dress
You - hey boys how about you go fuck yourselves and yes I'm going to the party oh and I own more clothes than hoodies I just choose to be comfortable rather than look like an idiot
Max - ok I dare you to wear a girly dress to the party on Saturday
You - fine
Harry - ooooo this will be fun
You - I fucking hate you both

The rest of the school day went as normal. Then you headed to bobbys daycare and picked him up . You looked after him and did him dinosaur nuggets for dinner then put him to bed at 8 . At 9 Riley walked in with Payton.

You - took you long enough
Riley - what
You - what do you want to eat
Riley - just cook whatever I don't care
You - Payton you staying for food
Pay - as long as you don't mind
You - it's all good just don't be so ducking loud if bobby wakes up again I'm gonna go crazy
Riley- chill out little sis

You made you 3 food then went to sleep at 10 . You woke up the next day 5:30 am and did the same as yesterday. When you got to the school parking lot there was another car in the student area you just ignored it and went to mads form . You pushed the door open and there was 3 boys with mads . Mads , jaden , Payton and some other boy . You walked over to them and hugged mads and Payton then high-fived jaden and sat down next to mads

Mads - hey girl you look in a shit mood
You - pay and Riley kept waking bobby up I've had an hour sleep
Pay - in my defence he's a light sleeper
You - yeah whatever I'm tired as fuck
Jay - just sleep in form room I always do
You - what and have max and Harry throw shit in my already disgusting hair no thanks
??? - am I missing something who's she and how do you all know her
You - she is Cynthia and

Points to mads - best friend
Points to jaden - best friends boyfriend also asshole
Points to pay - sister fuck buddy

Pay - you mean sisters boyfriend
You - no you have commitment issues so you ain't got the role as her boyfriend until you man the fuck up and settle down with her
Jay - ouch man she got you
Quin - well hi I'm quinton
You - yeah yeah whatever skip the intro I'm irrelevant and boring you'll probably hardly ever see me again ok bye
Quin - well shit she's bossy
Jay - you'll get used to it
Pay - she's amazing at like everything but communicating with other people her age
Mads - love her to bits tho
You - don't understand why
Mads - shut up and go to form room mister blue will get shitty again
You - later loosers
Ev - bye

You walked back to form room and just like very day you walked into a annoying room full of annoying people

You - hey girl what lessons do we have together
Holy - all today
You - good I'll just follow you around as usual
Max - you really for Saturday Cynthia
You - *sarcasticly * YeaH cAnT waIT
Harry - no need to be rude
You - just leave me alone already I feel like shit today
Oskar - oh no how sad
You - go suck a dick Oskar
You - finally somewhere to fall asleep
Holly - have fun
You - yep

You went to your first lesson which was English with your weird pervy teacher mr angel

Mr angel - hello Cynthia
You - hi sir
Mr angel - right class do you have your homework
You - sir I don't have mine
Mr angel - that is the 5 time in a row your grade will be very affected by that
You - great
Mr angel - you can stay behind and we could work out some EXTRA CREDIT
You - NO I mean no thanks I'd rather fail
Mr angel - that will have to be a lunchtime detention
You - already got one
Mr angel - you'll be spending the day in unit then
You - fuck ok bye

You walked off to unit to sit in a room all day and do nothing. You get there and some grumpy teacher let you in . There was only one other person in there . Quinton .

Teacher - I have to go teach but Cynthia I trust you to keep you both under control ok I'll be back to check up on you in an hour
You - ok miss

The teacher left and quinton came over and sat next to you

Quin - how the hell does she trust you you must be a real teachers pet
You - yep probably
Quin - so why you in here
You - told Oskar to suck a dick and Didn't accept extra credit from my weird English teacher you
Quin - my grades are shit and can't find a tutor
You - what lesson
Quin - maths
You - maths is so easy what questions

Quinton got his work out and you showed him how to do it . The teacher walked in and smiled .

Teacher - normally I'd say no talking but Cynthia you've taught him and no teacher could so go right ahead and continue I'll just leave

You both worked on his multiple pieces of maths work then the lunch bell went .

Teacher - you two can go to lunch be back here after the first bell . You walked to mads and he went off wherever.

Mads - hey girl your alive
You - unit with your friend quinton
Jay - heard he was in there for maths
You - I just helped him with the past 3 months of work so im sure the teachers will be happy with him
Mads - no way you actually helping someone
You - I got bored
Jay - I'm going to find the boys bye girls
Both. - bye

The rest of the day was the same .

You went home and did the exact same as yesterday.

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