Until you get hit by a fucking bus

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You woke up to the shower going . You realised you forgot to set your alarm and shot up realising it was 6 . You quickly changed into something semi decent so you could do your hair and makeup . You brushed your hair then realised your makeup was in the bathroom. Once the shower stopped you knocked on the door

Quin - whassup
You - cover up and hurry the fuck up I need to do my makeup
Quin - I'm covered

You walked in and he had a towel wrapped lightly around his waist hair still dripping

You - I said get dressed asshole now move
Quin - since when were you so pushy to do your makeup
You - since I started caring what I looked like now I look like shit so out the way
Quin - you look fine but ok
You - shut up

You did your makeup whilst quin went to get dressed but you couldn't stop thinking how he looked hot . You pushed the thought to the back of your mind as he walked back in

You - hello you
Quin - still doing your makeup it's not like you to be caring so much
You - well I'm 17 in October maybe I need to start caring or I really will be a lonely cat lady
Quin - I'm sure you'll be fine
You - man your delusional my first kiss was you for fuck sake and that's just because it was in the moment if it wasn't for me tutoring I'm like 10000% sure I'd still have never kissed a boy
Quin - I wouldn't bet on it
You - what
Quin - sorry
You - for what

He kissed you . You kissed back immediately

Quin - jump
You - why
Quin - just listen to me

You did as he was and he lightly moved you back so you were sitting on the side . You shoved your makeup out the way and continued kissing him . 10 minutes to by and then your alarm for you should be eating or leaving went off scaring the shit out of both of you

Alarm - beeep beep
Quin - woah
You - move I gotta go bye

You kissed his cheek quickly and rushed down to see mads at the door waiting

Mads - what were you doing
You - nothing just my makeup
Mads - that's why your lipstick looks like yo just had a full on makeout sesh yeah
You - uh yeah
Mads - oh hi quin wait

Mads walked over to him and wiped lipstick off his face

Mads - I see
You - Shit
Mads - it's cute now come on jay is waiting outside and maybe fix your face here

She handed you the stuff and you quickly fixed yourself up and rushed out

You got to school and sat in mads form then Bryce came in

Bryce - oi Parker come here a min
You - yeah wassup
Bryce - just an idea maybe lock doors when you and lover boy are ya know it could've been jay not me walking in
You - sorry about that thanks
Bryce - oh and you go girl your the only girl I've seen him even look their way in years
You - good

You headed to form just to be tormented by max and Harry as usual

Max - well if it isn't
You - fuck off
Mr blue - LANGUAGE
You - sorry sir
Max - so hows it going with mr fuckbuddy
You - shut up
Harry - she's got more lipstick around her face than she does on her lips
You - damn lipstick
Max - aww she's finally getting a chance with someone I'd watch out tho as far as I know darianka and the fucking plastic bitches already called dibbs on Griggs
You - since when was girls calling dibs on boys
Max - since he decided to become unavailable to everyone but you
You - what can I say sucks to suck
Harry - good luck

You went over to holly and she already had a massive smirk on her face

You - give me makeup wipes , concealer and lipstick please
Holly - right here I was prepared
You - thanks girl

You removed any evidence of this mornings encounter then continued talking

Holy - so spill
You - basically we share a bathroom and I needed to sort my makeup out so I tqold him to get decent so he literally wrapped a towel around his hips he was hot ngl then I was doing my makeup as usual was talking too much and he kissed me , I ended up on the counter top and then my alarm to say I'm late scared the shit out of me
Holly - holy shit
You - I know I think I left a mark on his cheek bye accident but he's in my 1st so I'm taking these makeup wipes with me
Holly - the barbie doll bitches are gonna be pissed
You - oh I know

You rushed to first then quin was standing at his desk looking around. You could se the lipstick mark on his cheek . You burst out laughing and walked over to him . He was smirking

You - sit down I got makeup wipes
Quin - I've had 6 people ask me already

You sat on the desk trying not to laugh wiping the lipstick off his face

You - done
Quin - I hate you
You - well after this morning I'm not so sure you do
Quin - your the worst Parker
You - oh I know
Teacher - everyone sit down please
You - well that's my cue later Griggs

You sat down smiling and then darianka stormed over with her fake bitches following behind

Darianka - well if it isn't sways whore
You - darianka haven't you seen mean girls or do I have to deal with you until you get hit by a fucking buss
Quin - *wispers* oh shittttttt
Darianka - you think your so smart don't you
You - huh couldn't hear you from all the plastic poluting your voice
Darianka - you know I'm better looking than you he will pick me over you any day
You - wanna bet bitch
Darianka - don't embarrass yourself little girl you know he don't actually like you I mean look he ain't even over here he's embarrassed by you
You - watch this Fucking bitch

You walked over to quin and took his phone out his hand

You - I'm sorry for this girls prove a point

You pulled him towards you and kissed him infront of everyone . You pushed him back into his seat gave him his phone and a makeup wipe then walked back over to your chair where the three girls stood speechless. They walked away and you laughed to yourself. End of the lesson quin walked over to you

Quin - care to explain and wipe this stupid lipstick off it won't go away
You - come here she was telling me she could win you over and that you prefer her and I couldn't get you so I proved her wrong
Quin - I like this side of you
You - done see you at lunch
Quin - bye Parker
You - later quin

You walked out with a skip in your step to your next lesson .

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