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Dad - I'm sorry everything has happened like this
You - I bet you fucking are because there's no one to wake you up in the morning , there's no one to sort out bobby , there's no one to cook twice a day for you , you don't have a fucking slave anymore
Mum - don't talk to your father like that
You - shut up you bitch
Quin - WOAH shit Cynthia chill
You - no quin I'm sick of all of them if I was 18 I'd be leaving and taking bobby with me
Dad - I'm sorry ok
You - no your not because I'm fucking homeless
Dad - where are you staying
You - why do you care for all you know I could be on the streets
Dad - where are you fucking staying Cynthia
You - quinton and his friends have a group house that I'm living at at the moment
Dad - ok good now quinton what do you want from my daughter
You - what's your deal you wanted nothing to do with me before and now you randomly do
Dad - your sister
You - she isn't my sister she's nothing to me
Mum - she is if you like it or not
You - we all know you were begging for the day you can finally get rid of me I'm not family to you
Dad - your sister said you've got quite famous of some tiktok app
Quin - ok

You and quin were about to leave when your dad stepped infront of you

Dad - I'm sorry for everything here's your keys your car is all paid for it's outside I'd take it before Riley can
You - thanks dad know I'll always love you somewhere in my heart just not sure how much
Dad - I love you too
Mum - ugh just get out you disgrace
Quin - exuse me mrs Parker but that's no way to talk to your daughter especially after all she did for you
Mum - who even are you talking to me like you have any fucking clue how to parent you child
Quin - I feel sorry for your son that he only gets to see his big sister twice a week because of how disgusting you are miss with all do respect your attitude towards your daughter disgusts me I'm happy she is out of this house
Dad - *wispers to you and quin * I'll find a way out with your brother there's house keys on the keychain with your car keys it's next to the sway house your at now she's trapped us go to the house and set it up I'll find my way out soon I promise
You - ok can I have bobby this Friday too
Dad *wispers * perfect timing I'll find my way out I'll see you on Friday
Mum - honey I don't know why your saying yes she can have the child this Friday now get out my house
You - see you soon dad bye you bitch
Dad - bye quinton look after my baby

You and quin left and you sat outside processing what just happened

Quin - why the fuck jus happened
You - so there's house keys on my car keys for the house next to sway , dads trapped and he's escaping her whilst we have bobby on Friday
Quin - holy shit
You - I'm sorry I dragged you into this
Quin - it's all good should we go see what will be your new house
You - I uh yeah
Quin - you take your car I'll drive mine

You both drove back to sway and explained to mads and griff what what happening

Mads - wait so your moving next door
You - yeah I gues but that's a big house for just 3 of us
Griff - do you want me to come check the place out with you two
You - yeah

Then you got a message


I'll delete the message so your mother don't see but tomorrow at 4 a truck is coming to the house to drop off furniture and stuff could you get the boys to help you take it all in I'll be safe and I'll see you soon I love you

You - ok dad love you too

You showed everyone the message and everyone agreed to help with the stuff apart from jaden who you hadn't seen since yesterday

Two hours Later

You were in your room watching 13rw when jay walked in

Jay - Cynthia can we please talk
You - fine
Jay - im sorry ok I know I shouldn't have freaked out I just don't want you hurt your like my little sister and seeing you how you were you know when broke me I don't want you like that again
You - you really think quin will do that to me
Jay - no quins a great kid he would never
You - ok did mads explain about my dad
Jay - yeah I'm here for you I promise
You - ok thanks jay

You two hugged then he left and you headed downstairs to get a drink . Anthony was down there In the kitchen

Ant - hello soon to be neighbour
You - it's crazy
Ant - are you alright I know this must be quite a lot
You - yeah it is but I'm happy my little brother will be out of that place
Ant - I went into quinton room earlier with him they seem so connected quin absolutely loves him
You - oh I know he also tells him all his secrets
Ant - what do you mean
You - ok so don't tell anyone promise
Ant - promise
you - I went to go see them earlier and I hid to see what they were talking about and bobby asked quin if he was my boyfriend quins reply was No not yet but hopefully one day I really like her
Ant - holy shit
You - I know
Ant - well do you feel the same way about him
You - I think so yeah
Ant - that's so cute
You - scary
Ant - you should totally meet my girlfriend avani
You - I'd love too what's her tiktok
Ant - just Avani I'll text her and tell her to come round like the day after tomorrow or something
You - great ok well night ant
Ant - night

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