Sway day 1

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The rest of school was boring and it slowly got to the end of the day . Your last lesson was with quin anyway. The bell went off and you got your stuff and walked over to his table . The popular girls were trying desperately to flirt with him but like normal he was just ignoring them

Popular girl - we could go out or something
You - hey quin you ready to go
Popular girl - seriously her
You - you got a problem bitch
Quin - oh no not again

He picked you up and carried you to the car

You - you sure do carry me a lot that must be exhausting I weigh so much (I cant spell it but her weight )
Quin - what are you talking about your so light
You - shut up I'm not
quin - yes you are end of conversation
You - whatever your just strong
Quin - thanks

You remembered you have to go get up your little brother

You - hey quin I have to look after my 4 yo brother can you drop me at my old house he stays next door and you don't have to wait I don't wanna bother the boys
Quin - they will be fine with it trust me
You - fine

You picked up bobby and headed to sway

Bobby - sissy
You - hey bud this is my friend quin
Bo-(bobby) - quin
Quin - hey kiddo

You got to sway and you got out and went in . You had picked him up and walked next to quin . Josh opened the door and was shocked by the sight of a child

Josh - oh shit you got a kid
You - I know even though I don't live there they are still making me take care of him he's my brother not mine I'm still Virgin Mary
Josh - your parents are assholes come in
You - thanks
Jay - wait bobbys here
Bo - jay jay
Jay - hey little man

You gave him to jaden and he took him to his room with mads so you can see the house and everything.

Griff - what did i hear about a child
You - my parents are making me look after my little brother until 8 Monday's and Wednesdays I told quin to let me just walk around with him and not bring him here but quin made me
Griff - as he should you don't have to struggle with everything on your own anymore
You - thanks
Quin - come on I'll show you your room
You - ok

You went with quin and saw your room . It has a bathroom connected to the room next to yours

You - who do I share a bathroom with
Quin - umm that's me I think
You - ok good I think it would be awkward anyone but you or jay
Quin - jays room is the other side of yours
You - perfect thanks
Quin - stop the thanking me
You - sorry I just no one is normally this extremely nice to me unless they want something obviously it's for the tutoring but you know what I mean
Quin - it's not that your such a genuine girl I couldn't just leave you homeless after it being because of me plus you can dance you'll get a good following real quick
You - your gonna make me famous aren't you
Quin - That kinda comes with living with a bunch of tiktokers
You - plus jaden he'd kill you if he heard you call him a tiktoker
Quin - your right
You - ok ima Unpack can you tell jaden if he gets bored of the child to bring him in here I'll deal with him somehow
Quin - maybe

He left so you just ignored it and unpacked your room . You were done after 2 hours so you went to jays room

You - jaden where's my brother
Jay - I was gonna send him back to you but quin took him
You - k thanks

You went to your room and walked through the bathroom to his room . When you walked in quin was sitting on the floor laughing and playing with bobby

You - so
Quin - hey Cynthia
Bo - hey sissy quin is fun I wanna play with him not you
You - wow thanks
Quin - cant help it I'm fun
You - yeah yeah I get it but bro we gotta get you home in an hour so came on I'll get us a taxi and we will go out to eat
Quin - I'll drive you
You - you sure
Quin - yeah
You - ok

You guys walked to the door but you quickly ran back upstairs To jadens room

You - I'm taking bobby to get dinner than home want me to bring you anything back
Jay - you have our Normal orders for everywhere just whatever you guys get
You - ok

You ran back downstairs and quin had already put bobby in the car

You - ok sorry about that I know mads would kill me if I didn't see if she wanted anything
Quin - I'm getting stuff for the whole house so same
You - god well let's go

You guys got bobby food . He ate it and you dropped him home and put him to bed then Riley walked out as you were heading out .

Riley - hey sis
You - don't call me that
Riley - I'm sorry ok.
You - go fuck yourself
Riley - look I'm sorry ok
You - sorry isn't gonna make up for the fact I don't even have a home anymore
Riley - where are you staying
You - sway with quinton
Riley - really with a bunch of boys
You - do I have a choice remember the fact that you got me FUCKING KICKED OUT

you walked out and slammed the door not caring if bobby wakes up . You got in quins car quickly and he drove off

Quin - you ok
You - yeah she just decided that she can call me a slut
Quin - I could hear
You - could you hear me
Quin - un yeah
You - great

You turned away knowing he heard you say you haven't had your first kiss yet . You got back to sway and you took jays and mads food up to them . They were sitting on the bed . You gave them their food and flopped face first onto the end of the bed not caring about anything else

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