Fucking Barbie bitches

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Skip to lunch

You went and sat down at what was now the usual spot for sway

Mads - soooo
You - sooo
Mads - quin told me and everyone but jay about your little stunt
You - quinton fucking Griggs really
Quin - oops
Jay - what was I not told about
You - nothing absolutely nothing at all
Jay - your an amazing liar just not when it's to me what did you do
You - don't be mad
Jay - I won't
You - the fucking barbie bitches came up to me saying they are better than me and that quin is embarrassed of me so I walked right up to him and kissed him right infront of their faces
Mads - you mean infront of everyone in 1st period maths
Jay - go you
You - what
Jay - you got your bad bitch energy back
You - woah ok
Jay - what
You - I expected you to be pissed
Jay - mads talked to me and I'm chilling a bit with the whole fatherly act
you - that's ma bestie
Mads - you know it now eat don't think for a minute I haven't realised the sudden weight drop
You - how the hell do you know what I weigh
Mads - you weigh yourself every day and write it in your callendar on the wall I see it every day
You - bitch fine
Jay - what's happening
Mads - she hasn't been eating again she dropped weight really fast recently
Jay - Cynthia fucking Parker if I don't see your weight go back to what it was last time I checked I'm gonna have to start watching you every breakfast lunch and dinner
You - not this again for like a month I had to have you by my side every breakfast lunch and dinner that sucked
Quin - eat then
You - I uh haven't got my food
Quin - here I just got Bryce to go get you some
You - fine

You ate with everyone then continued the day . End of the day mads decided to text you saying she's going out and to get a lift because you didn't drive today so you quickly met quin

You - hey quin mads decided she isn't driving me so take me home
Quin - ok lets go
Riley - ok Cynthia
You - sorry auin I'll be one minute
Riley - hi
You - what do you want
Riley - I heard you got bobby this friday why
You - because I wanted to
Riley - I know you your sneaky don't try anything
You - I won't bye

You ran to quins car and got in quickly . He drove home

Quin - why was that all about
You - she just said not to try anything on Friday
Quin - well we are all going to your new house today to get the stuff so yeah
You - oh yeah let's go

You all spent a couple hours unpacking boxes and furniture. By like 9 the place looked already lived in . You then all went back to sway house

You - thanks for helping guys
Griff - it's our pleasure
Josh - yeah were always here to help
You - I want food anyone want anything

You got everyone's orders and everything.

Griff - two boys re coming over in like 5 they might join sway
You - wow you really think you have the room for that even with me out that's only one more room
Josh - we will figure it out
You - fair

The boys arrived

Boy 1 - hey Cynthia is it I'm Blake
You - nice to meet you Blake
Boy 2 - hey Cynthia I'm Noah beck
You - hey Noah nice to meet you

You all met and everything then you all went to sleep . The next morning you woke up at 5 like normal and quickly showered and got ready . You walked downstairs and Blake was passed out on the sofa . Noah was awake sitting up on his phone on the other sofa

You - morning newbie
Noah - morning Parker
You - god everyone calls me parker I hate my last name
Noah - tell me about it how the hell are you up and really already I thought only griffin wakes up early
You - don't worry you won't have to get hosed to it hopefully I'm moving literally next door today
Noah - that's cool
You - trust me it's very complicated
Noah - what about you and quinton he's sooooo into you
You - I know he is I've heard him say it and stuff happened yesterday but idk he has to make the first move I ain't got the confidence for that shi
Noah - ahhhh got it so he's pussing out
You - not sure I'd say that maybe he's not ready for serious shit or he ain't actually interested and is just
Fucking about
Noah - he literally nearly killed me for shaking your hand I'm pretty sure he's into you like a lot
You - maybe it's me maybe I'm being too closed up who knows
Noah - that stuff takes time you gotta make sure your ready if I'm right it will be your first relationship won't it
You - yep how the hell so you know that
Noah - we go to the same school and hang with the same people
You - fair we'll get up already in like 10 minutes quin will Walk down the stairs say hi to me or hug me idk what one depending on his mood then he will forget your there and completely flop on you
Noah - no way

Quin did exactly as you said he walked downstairs hugged you then flopped on the sofa his legs landing on Noah

You - what did I tell you Noah
Noah - oh shut up

He threw a pillow at you and you tried to throw it back at him but instead hit quin in the head

Quin - wtf
You - uhhhhh. omg Noah why would you throw a pillow at him that's so mean
Noah - wait wha
Quin - asshole

Quin threw the pillow at Noah hitting him in the face . You laughed

Noah - fuck man you really are wipped
Quin - I'll beat your ass with my eyes closed mate no joke
You - awww mr Griggs tired
Quin - we get bobby today don't we
You - love how it's we and yeah we do
Quin - good
Noah - may I intercept your little lovey stuff who's bobby
Quin - her little brother I'm the favourite
You - basically I brought my little brother round now I don't even see him because then two are off doing fuck knows what
Quin - your just jealous I'm the favourite
You - you might be able to beat the boys asses Griggs but don't try me in the mornings
Quin - come here

Noah got up and you cuddled quin for a few mins before going to school

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