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*skip to Saturday morning *

Mads came running in your room at 11 am . She opened your curtains and blinded you with the light . You threw a pillow at her

Mads - got upppp
You - it's tooo early
Mads - I got you Starbucks
You - I don't see it
Mads - rude it's downstairs with Riley pay and jay
You - great , people
Mads - get uppppppppppp
You - fine

You got up and went downstairs then said hi to everyone.

Riley - so what's this about you coming to the party
You - yep and I gotta dress girly
Mads - says who
You - a bet between max and Harry in my form
Jay - woah they really got you wrapped around their little fingers
You - fuck off hossler I just want them to shut up already
Pay - so are you going shopping then because as far as I know your closet looks more boyish than mine does
You - mads come on we are going out
Jay - ok just steal my girlfriend then
You - ha bitch she was mine first sucks to be you
Mads - HEY be back later baby
Jay - bye you two

You went shopping and you got a dress for the party. You didn't hate it but mads loved it on you so you got it . You both went back to yours and it was 6pm . The party was at 9 so you had a few hours . You walked in and Jay and Payton were on the sofa whilst Riley was making food

You - holy shit Riley is actually cooking
Ri - great you back now do this
You - great

Ri and pay ran off upstairs and you cooked everyone food . Jaden and mads came in the kitchen to keep you company

Jaden - does she always make you do everything
You -yep
Jay - as soon as you left it was all oh Cynthia isn't here to do this for me or to do that for me it took a lot for me to not say anything
You - I just gotta deal with it life goes on
Mads - why don't you just stand up to her
You - because that means effort and my parents taking her side over me
Mads - so unfair
You - tell me about it

You finished cooking then everyone ate and went to get ready . Your room was the smallest and you could only just fit in a single bed and hardly anything else so you , mads and jaden got ready in the spare room that had an en-suite. Jaden stayed in the bedroom whilst you girls got dressed in the bathroom. You got your dress on and did your makeup if your putting an effort in you might as well go all out . You posted on your Instagram that you post on like once a year .


Caption - never let boys bet on you dressing up you'll end up like I have

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Caption - never let boys bet on you dressing up you'll end up like I have


Max - I uh woah

Jadenhossler - yo

Paytonmoormier - I think Riley is pissed about your dress
—cynthiaparker - right now Riley can suck my dick I don't give to shits

Madslewis - told you it looks amazing

Qgrigs - I think jaden gave me the wrong insta this ain't the girl who I spent hours with in unit on Tuesday no fucking way

Then Riley came storming in the room . You walked out the bathroom and saw her standing there really annoyed .

You - your starting to take my place with that attitude
Ri - WHAT are you wearing
You - a dress
Ri - all the boys are gonna be staring at you
You - makes a change Riley just let me have one night where I'm not a slave to this stupid life is me having fun really that much to ask
Ri - slut
You - fuck with me bitch I dare you
Pay - come on babe let's go
Ri - your a disappointment
You - I already knew that

Pay took Riley away and you sat down on the bed . Mads sat next to you

Mads - don't listen to her she's just jealous because she caught Payton staring at your insta photo
You - who cares it's just one night anyway
Jay - right we have half an hour before we have to leave so make sure your ready

You both finished your makeup and you all left . Jaden wasn't drinking . You got to the party and the instant smell of alcohol filled your nose . You shut the door and sat in the car . Jay came to your door . He's like a brother to you .

Jay - come on
You - no
Jay - come with me I won't leave you alone and we can just chill all night yeah
You - fine but I ain't touching any alcohol
Jay - damn right your not
You - k let's go

You got up out with jaden and mads had already gone to her other friends . You went with jaden over to where the guys were . Jay wanted to introduce you to them all .

Jay - boys
Tb - broooo
Jay - I want you to meet someone she's like a sister to me so I'll fuck every single one of you up if you even dare to touch her
You - hi uh I'm cynthia parker
Quin - no way it is you
You - hi quinton
Bryce - shes hot
Taylor - well hello there
You - no just no
Jay - back off Bryce she ain't interested in fucking you
Taylor- i could take you somewhere we would have some fun
You - touch me and I'll break every bone in your body got it good
Max - holy fuck
Harry - since when did Parker have a hot bod
You - hello assholes
Max - your not as bad as I thought you should dress like this more often
You - in your dreams
Harry - your actually kinda good looking
Jay - back off man she ain't interested
Max - what are you her boyfriend
You - no I'm perfectly single but he's like a brother so I'd back the fuck off before I make you
Harry - chill out

They left and you noticed jaden had left you and gone to mads

Quin - hey
You - hi
Quin - I didn't think you'd actually come
You - yep
Quin - did I say you look great I mean like amazing
You - thanks I guess
Quin - this is my place do you wanna go upstairs you seem very uncomfortable here
You - yeah as long as you don't try and fuck me
Quin - no I'm not I just wanna help
You - I'm messin with you let's go

You went upstairs to his room which was surprisingly clean . You stood awkwardly at the door . He walked over to his closet .

Quin - do you wanna borrow a hoodie it's kinda cold
You - sure thanks

He threw you a hoodie and you put it on . You were so small it went down past your dress . He turned around and saw you and chuckled to himself

Quin - you can sit on my bed if you want
You - thanks

You both sat down and watched Netflix for what felt like an hour then jaden burst in the door . He saw you and looked mad .

Jay - quinton I swear to god if you
You - no nothing happened he gave me a hoodie and we watched Netflix because parties are shit
Quin - I'd never I've literally met her like 3 times
Jay - I know I just get a little overprotective knowing mads would kill me if anything happened to you
You - I take care of a 4 year old I'm sure I can take care of myself for one night
Jay - ok well we are leaving in like 20 so meet me at the car
You - oki

Jay left and you turned to quin

You - oh yeah your probably want this back
Quin - no keep it it looks better on you anyway
You - thanks
Quin - I actually wanna ask something
You - shoot
Quin - no one can teach me maths to a point where I understand it but you that day helped so much could you possibly like kinda tutor me on it just until my grades are a little bit better
You - I'm practically a mum so leaving the house is like impossible so I don't know unless you come to mine each time
Quin - yeah I could
You - ok well give me your snap and I will snap you about it tomorrow
Quin - here thanks it means a lot
You - it's fine see you later quin
Quin - ooo nicknames bye

You went down to the car and mads was passed out in the back . You got in and jay drove you home . You said bye and went home to bed . You took the dress off but kept the hoodie on and slept in it .

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