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Quin - finally are you ok
You - I'm fine
Quin - just wait a minute talk to me
You - no
Quin - what's wrong
You - can we talk another time I don't want to talk to jaden right now
Quin - mads wants to see you griff is the only one of us you've spoke to today
You - not right now I'll see you at some point
Quin - what do you mean at some point your coming hope tonight
You - yeah maybe now move I gotta go get my brother
Quin - your bringing him back to the house right
You - wasn't planning on it
Quin - please just ignore him
You - fine maybe just move
Quin - ok see you soon

You drove and picked up bobby

Bo - I wanna go to quins and play with him again
You - not right now
Bo - yes right now
You - loose the attitude
Bo - pweese
You - fine
Bo- yay

You drove back to sway and walked in the door and went straight to quins room

You - here the child want you
Quin - hey little man
You - I'll be somewhere probably avoiding jaden
Quin - ok
You - text if you get bored of him
Quin - never
You - ok

You walked back downstairs and Bryce and griff were in the kitchen

You - griff here's your keys I'll use quins car to take my brother back or whatever I do after that
Bryce - have you talked to mads yet
You - no why
Bryce - she's pissed off
You - why
Bryce - you've been avoiding her
You - no I've been avoiding her bitch of a boyfriend
Jay - ouch
You - bye boys

You ran out the back and sat near the pool . Mads then walked out . She saw you then ran over to you

Mads - are you ok
You - I'm fine
Mads - stop fucking avoiding me
You - like I said to Bryce and griff I'm not avoiding you I'm avoiding your bitch of a boyfriend
Mads - he just cares
You - cool
Mads - wheres bobby
You - I wasn't planning on coming back today at all but he wanted quin
Mads - well you aren't spending the night anywhere else
You - k whatever bye

You ran up to quins room but he didn't notice you walk in so you hid by the door

Bo - quin why is sissy not live at home anymore
Quin - because sometimes your mummy and daddy can be mean to her so she's come to live with me
Bo - are you her boyfriend
Quin - no not yet but hopefully one day I really like her
Bo - your my new favourite
Quin - don't tell your sister but your my favourite too
You - how rude
Bo - sissy I'm his favourite not you ha ha
Quin - oh hey Cynthia how long have you been there
You - all I heard was that he's your new favourite not me

You lied because you were speechless

Quin - ok well should we go out get this little man some food
You - yeah
Quin - ok lets go

You two walked downstairs quin was carrying bobby and you accidentally walked in on one of kios tiktoks

You - sorry kio
Kio - it's fine you made it better anyway
You - k we'll see you in a bit
Kio - bye

You two walked out then you noticed your tiktok was blowing up more than usual.

You - quin is your tiktok blowing up as much as mine is rn
Quin - shit they think bobby is our kid
You - go live real quick we can explain
Quin - good idea

Quin went live

You - hi guys
Quin - before ttr gets at it we should probably explain kios tiktok oh and the child in the back of my car
You - so basically I got kicked out my house but my parents still make me look after my little brother on Monday's and Wednesdays and quin has become my brother's favourite. We are just going to get food before we take him home so no he isn't our child
Quin - when she can explain shit like it's nothing
You - shut up

The comments were all ok apart from one weird one from Riley


Fan - makes more sense
Fan - that's it girl shut down ttr hella fast
Riley(whatever her tiktok name is )
Riley - you make out like mum and dad didn't kick you out because you were a complete slut
Fan - holy shit
Fan - Riley really just did that

You - quin cover bobbys ears real quick
Quin - ok
You - sorry child fans but Riley shut the fuck up you got mad because quin took me out to thank me for tutoring him In maths your a pathetic little bitch who depends on me to do everything so get the fuck off this live if your gonna spread a load of shit

Fan - I have no option but to Stan her for that
Fan - it's cute how she got quinton to cover her brothers ears
Fan - I ship them two
Fan - quinthia
Fan - Riley just got shut the fuck down
Fan - ouch my minor ears

You - sorry about that guys I got a lot of built up anger against my family right now but now I got a new family the sway boys they are all the best and I couldn't thank them enough for everything they are doing for me at the moment
Quin - ok guys that's it we have gotta get little man some food love you all bye
You - bye

Quin ended the live and you flopped back in your chair

Quin - holy shit
You - I know
Quin - you just shut everyone the fuck down especially Riley
You - she's just a little bitch anyway
You - let's go I probably gotta talk to her when I get back there anyway
Quin - ok lets go

You drove and got bobby food then you drove to your old house . Quin decided to come in with you this time . You knew your parents were home but yolo . Quin put bobby to bed then your parents walked out of the kitchen

You - hi I put bobby to bed well we did and now we are leaving
Dad - wait I want to talk to you first
You - can't we do this when I'm alone
Dad - no I what to talk to you both
You - sorry quin do you mind
Quin - it's all good I don't mind at all
Mum - sit down

You both sat down and your dad started talking

Stuck in her daydream Where stories live. Discover now