B day is startingggggggg

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Head teacher - Cynthia, max and quinton we have been told about your little stunt yesterday
You - what do you mean sir
Ht - Riley told us about you three vandalising her car with eggs flour and toilet paper
Max - sorry what that's bullshit
HT - language
Quin - with all do respect sir this is all lies
HT - we will still be punishing you so for a week you three are going to be working at the hospital as a volunteer helpers
You - that's not fair
HT - you will be getting the week off school and will Be working from 12 - 5 Monday to Friday
Max - ok bye sir
Quin - bye

You three walked out then you angrily sat in the chair outside the office

You - I'm gonna fucking kill her
Quin - chill lets just talk to her
You - I'm done talking
Max - from what I saw of Oskar maybe let's calm down a little
You - fuck you both you wanna stop me then you gotta catch me first

You sprinted down the hall and all the way to Riley's classroom

You - hello miss sorry to disturb you but Riley needs to leave for a dentist appointment
Riley - bye everyone

Once she was out the room you slammed the door and shoved her into the wall

You - you fucking bitch who do you think you are
Riley - I see you heard about what you did to my car
You - I fucking hate you your the reason bobby is scared of everyone and your the reason dad left you your a useless worthless slut
Riley - chill out
You - I'd watch my fucking back if I were you
Riley - ooo shiver me timbers

You punched her then quin ran up and grabbed you and max held Riley away from you

Riley - you little peice of shit
You - OO sHivEr mE TiMbErS bitch
Riley - fuck you

She stormed off and you laughed

Quin - you have so much attitude
Max - he's right but that's what makes you so much fun to be around
You - very true now let's all go home and I'll text you later max
Max - bye

At home

Quin - yesssssss
You - pleeaseeeeeeee take photos of me for instaaa??????????
Quin - fine only because otherwise you won't stop talking about it
You - yay

(The pic won't load so let's just pretend it's a pic of her in a hoodie posing )

Caption - why does everything feel more comfortable when it's not yours


Qgrigs - when she shares a bathroom with you so she has an unlimited stock of your clothes and shoes
Cynthiaparkerrr - hehe

Madslewis - it's your birthday tomorrow
Cynthiaparkerrr deleted this comment

Madslewis - huh
Cynthiaparkerrr - shushhhhhh

Cynthiafan - I wonder if quin knows about tomorrow
Qgrigs- he does not whats tomorrow
Cynthiaparkerrr - they are joking ignore it

You decided to go live

You - hey guys let's not mention tomorrow to anyone especially quin
Quin - tellllll meeeeee
You - oh I didn't know you were there
Quin - what's tomorrow
You - nothing
Quin - fans tell me whoever tells me gets a follow back

Fan - no one snitch
Quinfan - it's her birthday
Cynthiafan- wtf your a snake 🐍
Fan - well too late

You - no
Quin - yes it is I know what to do I'll see you later
You - fine

Skip to your birthday

You woke up to your dad and bobby singing happy birthday to you

You - thanks little bro
Bo - we got cake
You - so we doing the traditional cake for breakfast or what
Dad - yep as Always
You - go on then I'll be down soon

They left then quin came in

Quin - happy birthday
You - thanks quin
Quin - present one

He gave you a small box with a necklace with a little q in it

You - aww I love it
Quin - look I got a c one to match
You - this is so cute
Quin - let's go eat

You four ate cake then your dad had some news

Dad - ok your not going to be happy about this
You - what is it dad
Dad - I've met someone well I met her when I started cheating on you know who and uh she's coming round I think there might actually be something there
You - that's so great dad I'm happy for you
Dad - she has a son who said he knows you I think max was his name
You - no way
Dad - they are here I'll go let them in
You - ok

You - I stg if my dads fucking Max's mum I'm gonna laugh
Quin - at least he isn't gonna get you before I do now
You - shut up

Then max came in smirking with his mum and your dad both laughing

You - omg you asshole how long have you known
Max - *hugs* about a week
You - you seriously started being nice because our parents are fucking
Dad - Cynthia
You - sorry dad so lovey to meet you miss
Katie - please call me Katie I've heard such great things about you Cynthia not just from you dad but max seems to have a very good opinion of you too
You - well he did get a tattoo with me
Katie - omg that was you he said he was matching with someone show us
You - basically I got in an argument with this boy here quin and A photo of me putting my middle finger up went viral because Hes Like tiktok famous so I made a joke out of it and we got tattoos
Katie - how many followers do you two have
You - 2.9 million
Quin - 6.5 million
Max - and because of them I now have 2.1 million
You - yes man you passed two mil congrats
Kate - wow
You - yeah
Dad - so you've all met now let's get ready Cynthia quinton has a day planned out for us all
You - he didn't tell me that
Quin - go put on the clothes in the box I put on your bed
You - yay ok

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