Chapter Five

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"...And then he ran away, stuttering!" Drew finished. 

The afternoon sun shone through the floor to ceiling windows in the cafeteria. Jake wasn't listening to him, instead, his mind was far away, focusing on the conversation he had with Drew yesterday. He absentmindedly speared his apple with a fork.

"I'm pretty intimidating after all, aren't I?" Drew boasted.

"Ha! As if. Those kids looked like they were in primary school!" Henry snorted.

"Aw, come on, they were probably in late middle school. Right, Jake?" Drew prodded Jake in the shoulder. He snapped out of his trance.


"When we saw those kids yesterday, and I scared 'em off. Remember?" he said.

"Oh! Yeah, yeah..." said Jake. He glanced at his watch. "You know what, I think it's time for me to head to music practice. See you guys in class!"

"This early? I thought it was at 12:30," Drew muttered, checking his own watch. "You'll be a good ten minutes early."

Jake ignored this comment as he emptied his lunch tray in the garbage can, then stacking the tray on top. When he was far enough from his friends, he broke into a small jog, and slowed when he reached the familiar hallway of which the music room was in.

As he slowed however, he could hear angry voices shouting from the music room. He paused outside of the door.

"Zander, you know perfectly well it's too late to kick him out."

"So you're going to let that bastard sing for us?!" Jake recognized Zander's irritated tone.

"He's doing this for... Daisy?" Sean's voice rang, sounding slightly groggy.

"Well he really did mess up his second chance, huh?" Milly's voice sounded flat, and for whatever reason, colder than usual.

Jake's heart pounded so loudly he was sure the others in the room could hear it. They had to be talking about him. But... how did they know? He couldn't recall saying out loud in public - as if he would! He only said that to Drew, didn't he?

"Tomorrow's the competition. We definitely can't find another singer in time," Hailey's voice sounded, distraught under the layers of dullness.

"Well then after that, he's leaving right away, right?" Luke sounded more tired than angry.

A sigh came from Zander. "Good thing, too. I can't believe I actually thought he had changed. Of course he would 'never want to be friends with those nerds'."

"I didn't think he'd say that about us," said Hailey quietly.

"Me neither," chorused everyone but Zander.

"I suppose I was right about being suspicious," said Zander, sounding slightly smug.

"He's just... using us!" a stamp on the floor could only have been made by Milly. She sounded angry all of the sudden. "Just to impress his crush!"

Zander said, "I knew he had no passion for music after all."

"He did seem really genuine," Luke admitted.

"I suppose it's a good thing you overheard them," said Sean. "I mean, now that we know he's lying and everything."

So that's how Zander knew! He must've heard his conversation with Drew yesterday!

And lying? Was that what Jake was doing?

He felt the sudden urge to burst into the music room and shout. He really did have a passion for music. He did love singing. He wanted to sing.

Sure, he wanted to impress Daisy, but that wasn't the only reason.

They didn't know the full story.

Feeling numb from all the thoughts darting in his head, he backed away from the music room and ran down the hall.

Forget practice. They don't want me, anyways.

He wondered how he could face them at the band competition tomorrow.


Hailey felt a sharp pang in her heart as if it had frozen when Zander recalled the conversation. As the club discussed, she couldn't help feeling guilty. Surely Jake had some interest in music? After all, he wouldn't have asked her to pretend to be Daisy for him, right?

He had told her he cared about the competition. After all the things he had done for the club - was all this ending just now?

What about the time he told the whole school about the competition?

He wanted to make up for his mistakes so bad he spent time with her. Hailey. Just so he could do better for them.

The time he spent with her... It felt so amazing, and she truly believed they were getting closer.

What are you thinking Hailey? He only views you as a music freak, just like the rest of his friends. He likes Daisy, and is only toying with you. You can't let your feelings get in the way of the band. They need you!

She looked out the window, wishing she could convince herself of those words.

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