Author's Note

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Hello, to my readers!

This author's note will be Wattpad exclusive, since I don't really think it's important to post on Discord. I'll be doing a sort of reflection on this story, as well as a thanks to all those who supported me. <3

First of all, thank you so, so much to everyone who's supported me on this fanfiction! It's been such an incredible journey, and I love writing for you guys! As an aspiring author, it means a lot that people are enjoying my work, so, thank you!

Second, I want to acknowledge that I'll be starting a whole new story that will be seperate from A Bittersweet Love. It's going to be a Luke x Zander fanfic, but I won't spoil too many details, haha. I'll be releasing the Prologue very soon!

Now I'll be talking about A Bittersweet Love itself. 

It started when Rosy made a discord server, and there was a fanfic channel in there. And I began to see a lot of really talented writers make their own Music Freak fanfiction, and for a while, I wanted to write some too! 

However, at the time, I was really shy, and I didn't like communicating to people often. I was passionate about writing, but I was also nervous about what people would think of it.

One day, I was sitting at my laptop, bored out of my mind. I was supposed to be writing a short story for a contest I was in, but I couldn't think of my ideas. And being a TMF fan, I found myself watching the series for what seemed like the hundredth time.

And out of nowhere, I got the idea that I'd finally write my own Jake x Hailey fanfic. I had a lot of ideas, and when I wrote down the first chapter, I was really nervous to send it on discord. But I posted it, and it wasn't too huge at first, but the more I wrote, the more people seemed to be interested, so thank you so, so much!

Another thing I want to address is my experience when I was writing this fanfic. One of the reasons I didn't want to write it was because I don't really write fanfiction. This was my second ever fanfic, the first being a Druna one called Never Again.

So there were many mistakes at first. The one I hate the most, is how I reflected on the character personalities. I definitely didn't do a very good job on maintaining them. Personalities should impact a way a character speaks, acts, and makes decisions.

Jake should've been more confident and cocky. Hailey shouldn't have been the damsel in distress. She should've been stronger. Drew isn't as much of a jerk as I display him, and Zander seems too lenient when it came to forgiving Jake.

The pacing was also a bit messed up, since everything seemed to be moving very fast. However, I was hoping to write chapters that wouldn't seem too long - as I know it can sometimes be very tedious to read. So I should definitely learn more on how to keep a story plot moving in shorter chapters.

But in all, I'm still pretty happy with the fanfic. It'll teach me to learn from my mistakes, and I think I improved a lot from my previous one! 

My message to the people reading this that want to start writing their own works:

Don't be afraid. You should never be afraid to show off your creativity. As the saying goes, you'll never know until you try! You should be confident with your work, and be open to criticism so you can learn to improve. 

(That reminds me please, please please leave feedback so I can know where I need to improve!)

You should also never give up writing! Views and votes don't matter, as long as you enjoy what you're doing! The more you write, the more you'll improve! I found that pushing myself to write a chapter daily was a kind of fun writing exercise that taught me how to manage my time and still write a somewhat good story. Be confident in your work!

Writing is a bond that can connect us all, and it allows us to take risks all the time. My comfort zone is writing fantasy and action stories, so it was a bit hard to decide to write more of the romance/drama genre.

If you seek advice or writing tips, go ahead and message people you look up to! Who knows, they probably have great writing advice! (Feel free to contact me too, but I'm still learning, so I might not explain things well, ahaha...)

Thanks for reading this Author's Note! Have a good day/night, and keep writing!

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