Chapter Eight

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Jake wasn't sure how he pulled himself out of bed Monday morning. He knew he didn't want to go to school - especially not after Daisy rejected him. But somehow, he was up on his feet and walking down the street to Alabama High.

As usual, Drew and his friends were standing on the school lawn, this time accompanied by Zoey and Lia. His heart sank. He knew they would call him over to join them, and he didn't want to face them today.

As if a Monday morning couldn't be worse, he muttered under his breath.

"Jake!" as predicted, Drew waved him over, but Jake walked past them without a glance. He wasn't ready to face their questions about the band competition and Daisy. Instead, he pushed open the school entrance doors without a word, leaving his friends confused.

Jake wasn't sure why he was so sad. It was all right before - wasn't it? Sure, he didn't enjoy spending time with Drew and his friends, but he never felt like this way before. So... heavy hearted and gloomy.

It was probably just because Daisy rejected him.

The rest of the morning wore on, and he couldn't focus with all the thoughts running around his head like a carousel. The bright summer sun didn't help either. He sat through his classes and had a miserable morning until lunch.

He was carrying his lunch tray towards his usual table. He sighed. There was no way Jake could avoid his friends now.

"Jake! Why were you ignoring us this morning?" Henry immediately asked as he sat down.

"I wasn't ignoring you," Jake lied as he picked at his burger-like sandwich.

"Oh, sure you weren't," Drew snorted. "Don't lie, we've seen you. Moping around like someone died. What happened?"

"Did something happen at the band competition?" Liam asked.

"It can't be that," Drew snorted, saving Jake from answering. "Lia dragged Zoey and I to watch it. It wasn't that bad. Not that I'm saying it was good," he added quickly. "But I guess it was just because they're such music nerds."

Jake's mouth twitched as he bit back a mean comment. "It was alright." he said at last.

Liam thought for a moment, and then snapped his fingers. "I've got it! It's Daisy, right?"

Jake's heart missed a beat, and he quickly looked up from his lunch. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, you were saying that you'd ask Daisy out after the competition, didn't you? How'd it go?"

The three waited for Jake's answer, but he only returned his gaze back to his food. Henry chuckled.

"Is that a no? Daisy rejected you?" and to Jake's surprise, he burst out laughing, and Drew and Liam joined.

"Oh.... Oh my goodness!" Drew said between howls of laughter. "All that - All that teaming with the freaks... And you got - you got REJECTED?"

This only made the three laugh harder.

"Shut up!" Jake hissed, feeling his cheeks warming.

"Man, that's hilarious. I never thought Daisy would reject you," said Liam when he had calmed down. "I mean, you're a pretty popular guy. And according to you 'ladies love a guy who can sing'." he said in a bad impression of Jake's voice. "What more could she have asked for?"

"No idea..." Jake said, still focused on his lunch tray.

Just before his friends could ask him another question, an announcement rang through the speakers.

"Attention students!" he recognized Principal Autumn's voice. "I have a very delightful announcement to make. As most of you will know, the Music Club has recently performed in a band competition!"

Excited murmurs spread across the cafeteria, and Jake lifted his head from his hand.

"After a few days of considering, the judges have turned in their results... and our school won! The Music Club had performed with outstanding feedback from the judges, and has gained numerous fans in the audience! In exactly one week, they will be performing live at the Clozy Concert Hall as their prize! Cheers to them, we can't wait to watch you perform, you six!"

As the announcement ended, the whole room suddenly burst into animated conversations, and he heard his name being mentioned a few times. Jake's eyes were wide with shock, still trying to process what he had just heard. He could feel his heart pounding wildly.

They won.

They won! They won the competition!

Jake suddenly felt like getting up and hugging the other band members, when he remembered they weren't there. His shoulders slumped as he recalled quitting the club.

"Dang, you won," said Henry in a somewhat impressed voice.

"Lia will be after you for sure," Liam chuckled.

Drew crossed his arms, frowning. "That last sentence Principal Autumn said," he said in a low voice. "'We can't wait to watch you perform, you six.'  I thought there were only five of those freaks? Unless she's counting you, too? I thought you quit!"

Jake opened his mouth, but no words came out.

He couldn't remember exactly telling the club exactly that he'd quit, had he? He had only overheard the conversation between the club members that day... But it had formed some sort of silent agreement that he'd be leaving.

"Well, they'll have to find a new singer, then," he said at last, mouth dry. "I guess I'll just have to tell Principal Autumn that I left."

Will the band even be able to find someone else in time? Only one week... That's not nearly enough time to find someone new and practice with them... They'll be performing in front of almost everyone in the city! Jake thought.

Somehow, a part of him wished that he hadn't left, and that he was still in the club. He could only dream of performing in the Clozy Concert Hall. There was still a chance, wasn't there? What if he ran back and apologized... maybe he'd still be accepted.

Jake shook his head. What was he thinking? He left... And that was that.

Still, he couldn't help feeling a slight tingle of exhilaration as he thought of performing on that stage...

A/N: I'm sorry for not posting for a few days! I have another chapter already written which I will post tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed the chapter nonetheless!

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