Chapter Nine

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"We'll be fine! The audience loves us!"

"The audience loves Jake. HE'S the lead singer."

"We should have never opened auditions for a new band member," Zander muttered. "What can we do? One week isn't enough time to find and train up a new singer."

He looked sideways at Hailey, and her face might've just said enough.

"Don't tell me you're thinking of getting Jake to join again!" he said angrily.

"Didn't you hear Principal Autumn? She referred to us as 'you six'. She doesn't know Jake left!"

"I don't like the idea of that buffoon in our band again," Zander grumbled.

Hailey pursed her lips. She wished she could tell Zander about the moments she spent with Jake. She knew that he wasn't the nicest for using them... but deep down - or perhaps she hoped - she wanted to forgive him.

And it wasn't just for their performance, either. Maybe it was because she really just wanted to spend more time with him. To be friends again.

"I think we should try and get Jake back," said Hailey quietly. Zander fell silent.

"I guess you really do like him," said Zander at last. Hailey didn't even blush. Maybe she really did.

"We can trust him, though, can't we?" she asked. "You even apologized to him."

She could see the wheels turning in his head as they walked up the porch steps.

"I guess we can," he said, pulling out his keys and unlocking the door. His response surprised Hailey, who was expecting a comeback. Before she could say anything, however, he added, "the club is planning a sleepover on Wednesday. We planned it out during math class when you weren't there."

"Oh, that's fine," said Hailey, stepping into the house. "But... you're okay with Jake?"

"I trust you to make the right decisions," he said stiffly.

Hailey watched as he climbed the stairs to his bedroom, and without thinking, she rummaged through her backpack until she found her phone. She swiped through her texts until she found Jake's. She hesitated. What if he didn't want to join again?

Still, as if her fingers had their own mind, she started typing.


Hailey pocketed her phone, hoping he would respond to her message:

YOU: Hey, Jake. You heard Principal Autumn's announcement today, right? We won. And... we really won't be able to find another singer. Would you care to sing for us again at the Clozy Concert Hall? - Hailey


Tuesday, 7:45am

JAKE: Hey, princess. Will you come with me to the ice cream parlour down Raisy Avenue after school? I think we need to talk.

Hailey reread the text for the twelfth time. He responded.

Was this his way of asking me out on a date? Hailey wondered. She shook her head, suddenly feeling her cheeks grow warm. No, that couldn't be it. He just... wanted to talk.

Classes had just ended fifteen minutes ago - she was late. Cursing herself for being so careless, Hailey quickly slung her backpack over her shoulder and ran out the school to Raisy Avenue. When she arrived at the ice cream parlour, she could see Jake sitting at one of the seats by the window.

"Hey, princess," said Jake, winking as she sat down across him.

Still as flirty as always. Even though we're always so tense nowadays...

"You want anything to eat?" he was acting as if they had been friends for years, and this was just another hangout.

"I'm not hungry," Hailey responded.

"Aw, come on. My treat," said Jake, grinning.

"Jake, cut it," she said in a sort of tired way. Truthfully, she didn't think she could stand acting like she was friends with Jake. She wanted them to be friends. Not act. Maybe even something more...

"You said you wanted to talk," said Hailey.

Jake sighed, and averted his gaze out the window. "Yeah, I did. I was thinking about your offer. For more time than necessary, really."

"And?" Hailey bit her lip nervously.

"I guess I will," he answered, looking surprised at his own words.

Hailey's heart soared. "Really?"

"Yeah... I really shouldn't have been such a jerk to you guys... I really do care about the club, I swear I do," Jake said in such a serious voice, she couldn't help but believe him as she stared into those chocolate eyes.

"No more using us for your crush?" she asked. "No more calling us freaks?"

"Nope," he leaned his head on his hand. "I mean, it wasn't worth it anyway. She rejected me."

"Daisy rejected you?!" said Hailey, shocked. "But... why?"

"No idea," said Jake, sighing. "She said she liked someone else... But I don't really think I care anymore. I can't explain... I thought I would be depressed that she rejected me, but, it's really not that bad."

"Oh?" Hailey raised an eyebrow.

"I thought it was because... maybe I like someone else," he looked at her, and butterflies formed in her stomach.

"I'm no therapist, Jake," she said. "I wouldn't know."

He blinked, as if just realizing he had been talking all this time. "Oh, right! Sorry, I was just rambling..."

"What about your friends?" Hailey suddenly asked.

Jake contemplated for a moment. "I... They're not my friends," he said, surprising Hailey. "You guys are my friends," he smiled. "You, Luke, Milly, Sean - even Zander. It feels different with you than it does with Drew and the others."

"And yet you still hang out with them," she remarked.

He said, "Popularity is my only way of getting away with singing without being teased."

"Sounds like you have a story," said Hailey, curious to know more.

He chuckled. "Everyone does, princess." he got up to leave, but Hailey, put her hand over his, and he looked back.

"We're having a sleepover with the rest of the band at my house tomorrow - you maybe want to come?"

Maybe there, they could sort things out. Maybe there Hailey could decide if she really did want Jake back. It hadn't been long at all - was she desperate for coming out to him so quickly?

Jake hesitated. "Really?"

Hailey smiled. "Yeah, you could apologize to them - for real this time. We'll be a band again."

It took a moment before Jake smiled back. "Thanks, Hailey. It means a lot that you're giving me a chance. It's... nice to talk with you."

She felt a current flow between her and Jake, and it didn't even seem strange to her that they were still holding hands. 

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