Chapter Six

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Hailey looked outside as rain splattered against the car window. It was the day of the band competition, and her mother was driving her to the concert hall to perform.

She shivered. The icy rain outside falling from dark, looming clouds couldn't promise anything good. Hailey wondered if it was a sign of what would happen in the competition. She folded her hands over her dress.

Normally, she'd wear her favourite maroon striped sweater. But today, she wore a jacket over a plain black dress that reached to her knees. Beside her, Zander wore a grey tuxedo with a black tie. He suddenly gave a small cough, and Hailey looked at him.

"What do you think about Jake?" he muttered out of the corner of his mouth, out of their mother's earshot.

It was such an odd question out of the blue, that Hailey was surprised.

"Oh! Uh... Jake? Well, he's... alright," said Hailey quietly. Catching Zander's glance, she added, "well, he won't bother us when he leaves anymore... right?"

Zander looked into her eyes seriously. "You like him," he accused.

At that very moment, the car lurched to a stop, and their mother told them to get out.

Grateful for the excuse to not say anything, Hailey opened the car door, hoping the rain would cool her blush.

"Hark who's talking," she said as Zander and her walked towards the doors. "I know you have eyes for Luke."

This shut him up immediately. A sudden blush crossed his face and she smirked. They didn't say anything else as they hurried inside. Hailey wiped her dress of rain drops as they walked down the hallway towards the backstage, black dress shoes squeaking against the clean floors. Zander pushed open the door.

The first person Hailey saw was Milly, who was wearing a simple black shirt and camouflage pants.

"Fancy," Hailey remarked, walking over and poking her outfit.

"Of course, miss Going-to-a-ball," said Milly. She then broke off into a grin. "You excited?"

"More nervous, really," Hailey admitted.

Zander joined Luke, who was wearing a dress shirt and his scarf. Sean hadn't arrived yet.

Milly beckoned Hailey, and pointed towards the velvet curtains. Hailey peeked through, and then withdrew, suddenly pale. Out there were hundreds - perhaps even a thousand people in the audience waiting in plush seats.

"I didn't know so many people were going to turn up!" she exclaimed.

"I know!" Milly looked exhilarated.

*Probably thanks to Jake,* Hailey thought. Speaking of Jake...

He was standing in the corner, looking awkward and out of place. He was wearing a black jacket and ripped jeans, keeping his necklace and earrings. Hailey felt cold at the sight of him. He skipped practice yesterday - and he knew that the band competition was the next day! What if that day of missed practice was what would make them mess up on stage?!

Hailey bit her lip nervously. She had no idea why Jake skipped practice, but it couldn't have been a good reason.


It had been around forty minutes now. Sean had arrived, and the first school had gone up. Hailey waited as the second school went on stage. Then the third and fourth, and when the seventh school had gone up to perform, she stood up.

"The next performance is ours," said Hailey, gathering the band members. Jake joined the circle awkwardly. "It's all down to this. We've prepared for this for weeks - it's going to pay off, I know it." she took a shaky breath, heart beating in excitement and stress.

"You all have been doing brilliant. I couldn't have asked for a better team," Hailey continued, avoiding Jake's eye contact. "We're going to win this." she hesitated, realizing she had been leaving out Jake.

"All of you... All of you have been amazing friends. You all are a valued member of the band, and I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Best of luck to everyone," she finished.


When Hailey ended her small speech, the band gave a small applause and wished each other good luck. Jake noticed he was left out.

He sighed, feeling butterflies in his stomach. He had no reason to be nervous, but for some reason, it wasn't performing that made him uneasy. It was something else, but he couldn't place a finger on it...

He looked up, and Hailey did at the same time. For a moment, their eyes met, and Hailey gave a sort of sad smile.

Jake felt a pang in his heart, and wasn't sure why. But now, he was determined to win. Not for Daisy - but because he owed the band - he needed to impress them, to show that he cared about this competition.

"And next up... Alabama High School!" the announcer shouted. A giant cheer came from the crowd - louder than the cheers for the other schools.

He walked on stage, following Hailey's lead, feeling confident and worried at the same time. When he reached the microphone stand, he felt the spotlight turn on him. In the first two rows of the audience, he saw someone wave at him, and his heart leaped as he realized it was Daisy.

Suddenly, the music started - the familiar music that Jake had heard so many times in the band room. He could feel all eyes on him as he raised the microphone to his lips and opened his mouth to sing.

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