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"Mom, you didn't have to tell me that whole story just for a word definition, ya know," an elementary school girl sat in the back seat of a pale silver car. She looked around twelve, with vibrant teal hair and hazelnut brown eyes. A single yellow star hung on her right ear.

"I just asked a simple question because I found the word 'bittersweet' in a book I was reading. And you have to give me a whole seven hundred paged, detailed story of your life."

The woman in the shotgun chuckled. She looked remarkably like her daughter, only she had glittery obsidian eyes. "Sorry, Star."

"Our story was a good example of the word bittersweet,"  the father, Jake, leaned back as they pulled up to the school. "Bittersweet is a combination of both sour and sweet - happy and sad, delighted and sorrowful."

"But what does you and mum's love have to do with that?" Star questioned.

Hailey smiled even though she knew the little girl couldn't see it. "Our love was complicated at first. We both loved each other - but this buffoon here just didn't realize it yet," she smirked.

"Hark who's talking," said Jake. Though his tone was serious, his eyes danced with mischief.

"It was bitter at first," sighed Hailey. "We went through a lot, together. The simp thought he had feelings for another girl... And hearts were broken and it took a while for your father to realize he truly loved me.

"But slowly, both of us realized that we needed each other. And that we loved each other. Soon, our love was no longer bittersweet, it was completely sweet. No more confusion, no more drama, no more bitterness. We could live our lives in love and peace."

Star tilted her head. "Yeah, I still don't get it."

Her mother laughed and turned in her seat to face her. "You will soon. When you grow up, you'll find someone you love. Someone you'll feel complete around, and destiny will do the rest." 

"Hey, look there's your uncle!" Jake said as the car slowed to a stop. Star's head snapped up.

"Where?" she pressed her face against the window. Out of all the band members, Star loved spending time with her uncles Zander and Luke, as well as their adopted son, Kai.

"Star!" a boy with tan hair greeted them at the school entrance. He had lilypad green eyes that seemed to smile at whoever he met.

"Kai!" Star ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "How was your vacation?"

"Oh, he's been doing well," Luke came up to them, tying his scarf in place. "Zander's been training him to be the next Mozart."

"Have not!" the pianist argued. "He's been working hard, at least. And he likes classical music anyway, so there's no problem!"

"Probably why Zander chose Kai from the adoption center, anyway," Hailey muttered to Jake. "They're both obsessed with Beethoven."

"Hey, it's Mozart I'm learning, not Beethoven!" Kai piped up. "Although dad's also teaching me a bit of Chopin..."

"Nerd," Star poked him, and giggled.

"Is Angela here yet?" Jake checked his watch.

"I'm here!" a breathless voice came. A girl with long, black hair was running up the pathway. She would've been easily mistaken as a model, with her gorgeous periwinkle eyes and chocolate skin. Headphones hung around her neck, and a maroon sweater was wrapped around her waist.

"There she is," Hailey grinned. "Hey, Angela! Where's Daisy and Sean?"

"Oh, you mean my parents?" Angela looked behind her. "Dunno. The parking lot was full so we had to park a few blocks away. They're such slow runners," she rolled her eyes.

"Sean never was a big athlete in school," Luke mused. "Have you seen Hestia by any chance?"

"I saw her on the monkey bars," said Angela. "She looked really scary, so I didn't feel like going near her."

"Scary?" Star looked surprised. "Mum never said Hestia was scary." 

"She is," Jake confirmed, earning an elbow in the shoulder from his wife. He winced. "I mean, at least her mother is."

"Milly's not scary!" Hailey scolded. "And Hestia isn't either. I mean - kind of," catching Jake's look. "She has a bit of her father's softness."

"As if!" Zander snorted. "The only thing that's similar between Elliot and Hestia is their looks - her personality is all Milly's."

"I wanna meet her," said Star, crossing her arms. "She sounds fun. Unlike you two," she added, pretending to glare at Kai and Angela. "You're so boring. Always talking about music and what not. I'm going to go look for her."

"Aw, I'm not that boring," said Kai.

Luke waved after her as Star started skipping away. "Have a good first day at school!"

"I will!" she answered. Kai and Angela followed her to the playground.

"If you don't join the music club, we'll disown you!" Zander called after them.

"He's right about that," Jake agreed.

"Jake!" Hailey chided him.

"Sorry, princess," he chuckled.

The four shared a laugh as they watched their children streak across the school grounds.

Hailey gazed after them fondly. Perhaps Star would grow up to find someone in her life like Hailey had found Jake. And hopefully, history wouldn't repeat itself - or else they'd have another of a bittersweet love...

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the fanfic! It's complete now, and I had so much fun writing it! Also, sorry as this epilogue is kinda short, haha. Stay tuned for a Lander fanfic! <3

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