Chapter Seven

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Jake couldn't believe it. As soon as he finished holding the last note, the audience rose at once, cheering and clapping. A standing ovation! For him! For them! Jake couldn't remember another time when he felt happier. He felt a surge of elation run through him. Did the audience clap like this for the other performers? Were they calling out their names - clapping until their hands hurt as they cheered for them?

So this was the life of a singer. Could he have achieved this sooner? If he had joined the Music Club before? If he hadn't had the fear of attending competitions in case his friends found out... would he have been the same person he was today?

After what seemed like a small eternity, the applause died down Jake and the others were herded backstage. A few pats on the back were exchanged, but Jake was avoided. The speaker then said that the results would come in roughly two days. Final words were said, and then the audience was dismissed.

The Music Club chatted away happily, leaving Jake to walk along beside them, looking rather like an older brother instead of a member of the band.

"See you all tomorrow!" Hailey said, as she and Zander parted ways towards the east exit. The rain had stopped, and the sun shone from behind the clouds.

"Jake! Jake!"

He turned around to find Daisy running after him. His heart raced at the sight of her.

"Hey! I'm glad I caught up to you - you did so amazing!" without waiting for his response, she ran up to him and gave him a hug. Surprised, Jake hugged her back, feeling a small blush creep up his cheek.

"Ah, thanks a lot, Daisy!" said Jake. "I'm really happy you -"

He trailed off as Daisy stood on her tiptoes and gave him a small peck on his cheek. The words disappeared from his mouth, and he felt as if he was floating away. His mind had gone blissfully blank, and now all he could think of was Daisy.

"I'll be rooting for you, Jake! You'll win for sure!" she said, not seeming to notice Jake's bright red face.

"Y-yeah! Hey, uh..." he gulped nervously. Without pausing to register his words, he said, "I, er, can you meet me behind the building later? I-I want to tell you something."

"Oh, of course!" said Daisy cheerfully. "I'll see you then!" she skipped off, humming a merry tune.

There was no turning back now. He had waited so long for this - surely she would say yes.


"H...Hey, Daisy!" Jake paused to catch his breath.

Daisy turned, and a smile spread across her face when she saw Jake. He blinked a few times, taking in her angelic presence.

"Hi, Jake! What did you want to tell me?"

His stomach churned, and he took a shaky breath. "Well, I, uh... I just wanted to say that... I... I like you!" he shouted out suddenly. "I've liked you for a while now, a-and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

He paused, heart pounding expectantly.

Say yes, say yes, say yes. Jake pleaded inside his head.

Daisy's face fell. "Oh... I'm sorry, Jake. I... don't like you the same way. I like someone else." she looked up to see Jake's shocked expression, and hastily added, "we can still be friends, right? I've always looked up to you as a friend, I'm sorry if it didn't come off that way..."

"Oh... yeah! Of course..." Jake was surprised to find his voice still cheerful even though he felt like someone had punched him in the gut. His shoulders sank, and there was an awkward pause between the two of them.

"Well... I'll see you on Monday, right?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah. Monday," said Jake. "Right. See you, Daisy."

"Bye, Jake," said Daisy softly.

Jake trudged back home in fallen spirits. His mind couldn't seem to comprehend what had just happened. He was heartbroken and confused at the same time. Why did she say no?

"I like someone else."

He hoped he didn't know this 'someone else'. He wasn't sure how he would feel if he saw a friend of his with Daisy.

Strangely, however, Jake thought as he lay down in bed and stared at the ceiling.

He didn't seem as gloomy as he thought he would be. Sure, he was upset Daisy rejected him and all, but... it didn't seem too bad. Was it perhaps because he had lost interest in her?

No, that can't be... You've liked Daisy for years! You've been doing this whole band thing just for her!

But then... Why did he feel as if his heart was longing for someone else? Why... did he not seem to care so much? Did he like someone else? And if he did... who could it be?

Jake turned over, feeling that sleep was a long way coming. 

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