Oh wow

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So today I was finally going to meet Harry's homophobic and apparently racist? Parents. Needless to say that I was nervous but thankfully Harry and Gemma will be here.

My ass didn't have time to heal fully yet so I just decided to go with the excuse of falling down the stairs if anyone ever asked.

"Baby you're ready?" Called out Harry, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah!" I replied, closing my eyes. I spent most of the time laying down which is what I was doing right now. I was beyond exhausted.

Harry being scared about any minor incident started to feel bad for the spanking and immediately called my doctor to know if it was normal for me to be feeling this way.

Shockers! It was absolutely normal I mean I'm pregnant. But he also told me to stay away from any stressful situations.

Once again Harry panicked and wanted to cancel the meeting with his parents but hell no. They already see me as some kind of disgusting bitch, cancelling their proposition is the last thing I want to do.

"Aww my little baby. You look adorable." He cooed as he sat down next to me making me smile. "Your bump is starting to show!" He gasped.

I shot open my eyes and sure enough a little bump could be seen. Nothing too extra, if you didn't know me you would just think my stomach was full. I didn't want Harry's parents to know about my pregnancy and make matters worse.

"You scared me babe." I sighed.

"Sorry." He mumbled before softly caressing my belly. "How you feeling?" He asked, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Nervous. You?" I asked back, caressing his forearm to calm him down. 

"Pissed. I'm not over what that woman said." He spat through gritted teeth.

"Kiss me baby." I said to relax him. He sighed and leaned down to peck my lips. "I love you baby daddy." I added with a small smile.

"I love you too my precious baby. Thank you for calming me down. Thankfully Gemma will be here because I don't know if I will be able to contain myself."

"It's going to be okay daddy." I giggled, opening up my arms.

He leaned into the embrace and we stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled away.

"C'mon off we go." He said, helping me sit up. It was way less painful by now but it still hurt when I sat down.

The drive there was pretty long so I decided to just take a nap.

"Doll wake up we're there." Harry caressed my cheek slowly waking me up. "Hey gorgeous, I mean flawless yeah." He sung making me chuckle.

"You did not just use the lyrics of Bed Rock?" I snorted, raising my eyebrow.

"And what if I did?" He replied with a small smile.

"It makes me love you even more handsome."  I puckered my lips and he happily kissed me.

Someone banged on the window making us jump. I rolled my eyes as I saw Gemma waving at us with a huge smile. Harry unlocked the car doors and she opened it throwing herself at me

"This girl is crazy." Harry mumbled as I hugged her back.

"Shut up bitch you need to start learning how to share your man." She sassed back as she kissed my cheek. "You're glowing love pregnancy suits you well!"

"Thank you babe you're too nice." I cooed.

"Can't wait to see my beautiful baby!" She cheered as she rubbed my small bump.

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