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It's becoming harder and harder to find chapter names but I strongly hope you got the hint in these last few💀


When I got back home Zayn was sleeping peacefully, his lips slightly parted, soft snores leaving past them. So cute and all mine.

I smiled before taking out my phone to snap a picture of him and immediately put it as my lock screen. His shirt was raised over his bump that was becoming more and more noticeable as it was rounding up.

I couldn't resist the urge and laid down next to his middle, hugging his waist after putting my head on his tummy.

"Daddy loves you so much already beautiful baby, you know that right? Of course you do angel. We can't wait for you to be here so we can finally hold you." He Whispered, lips brushing against Zayn's tummy, as he caressed it softly at the same time.

"But you need to stay away from aunty Gemma okay? She is going to want to teach you bad things, especially if you are a baby girl. Don't worry though, I will protect you from her. And from anyone else in this world my precious angel." He smiled, tears building up in his eyes.

"You don't know how excited and happy it makes me to think about the fact that I get to be your Daddy. And I'm even happier because you're my hubby's baby too. I love him a lot too you know?" Harry sniffled, his nose becoming runny as the tears were threatening to fall.

"I love him so much that it hurts. I'm always so afraid that he will get tired of me and want to leave. I can't imagine my life without him. And without you either now that you are in the picture. My two angel babies. The love I have for you is unbreakable and I hope that you will always remember that. You are loved and you deserve to be happy. Always." He said shakily, as the tears started falling before he pressed a soft kiss to Zayn's round belly.

"We" Another kiss "love" another "you." A last one and now he was full on sobbing, clutching Zayn's waist as if he was afraid that if he let go, his babies would slip away from his arms.

"Haz.." Zayn called out sleepily. Harry tried to wipe away his tears quickly but Zayn stopped him, taking ahold of his wrists. "Come here babe." He said softly.

"I'm sorry for waking you up princess." Harry sighed, kissing the back of Zayn's hand.

"Don't apologize babe it's okay." The tan boy assured, wiping away Harry's tears then bringing him closer by pulling on his shirt. The later followed the movement and his head found place in the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

"How was your nap?" He asked in a whisper, stroking Zayn's hipbone gently.

"Really good, how's work going?" He asked back, whispering too.

"Amazing, thank you for asking princess." Harry smiled, leaving a soft kiss where his lips could reach.

"Harry?" The boy hummed. "Look at me baby." He pulled back to look into his boyfriend's hazel orbs. "Listen closely to what I have to say and don't cut me off okay?" Harry's eyebrows frowned but he nodded nonetheless.

"Okay I'm listening." Zayn grasped Harry's hands, holding them firmly before leaning in so their forehead were touching.

"First of all. I love YOU. You and you only Harry Edward Styles. I am not going to go anywhere. I am head over heels for you, I can't imagine my life without you either babe. I am pregnant with your baby Harry! We are not going anywhere okay? We love you. So much. Always." He reassured the pale man, holding his hands harder as he could see Harry's eyes getting ready again.

"And leave aunty Gemma alone she will do just great I am sure." He teased, bumping his nose to lighten up the mood, which worked because Harry chuckled.

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