Chapter 3

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Maria spins on her heels looking less than impressed when Fury enters the room. "Mind telling me what I'm actually looking for?" He handed her a brief copy of the file you had given him, "stolen data." He eyes the two other agents in the room, Maria gives him a knowing nod, "find and retrieve, need to know basis, got it." He heads toward the door, "Agent Hill, I trust you'll keep me informed," It wasn't a question but a statement, She simply nods. She reads the papers Fury gave her, knowing that there's definitely more to the story, but she would never question it. Especially if it involves Y/n Stark. Nick Fury has a soft spot for the young woman, not that he would ever admit it. Maria goes back to the computer to continue the search.

She starts to wonder what all of this is really about, is it just about stolen data, or is there something bigger going on. She picks up the file and starts to read it again, but is interrupted by the computer confirming a match. She picks up the phone and calls Fury, "sir we have a 96% match on facial recognition, Dr Gold is here in New York, what are your orders?" It takes a few seconds for his reply, "track and trace DO NOT engage." She lets out a sigh, "but sir," he cuts her off "That's an order Agent Hill." He hangs up the phone, leaving her very frustrated, She sends two agents to watch the Doctor. It's not that she dislikes Y/n, actually she has a lot of respect for the younger woman, it's just she has a feeling things may not be as they seem.

You swipe your security pass and enter the main lobby, you know it's just your imagination, but it feels like everyone is watching you. You speed up making my way to the briefing room as fast as possible, without tripping over your own feet. You quickly shut the door behind yourself, knowing that now everyone IS now watching you, taking a deep breath you turn around. "Morning Director Fury, Agent Hill." Fury gestures to you to take a seat, "I'm just gonna jump right in, Dr Gold is still here in the city, we have her under surveillance as we speak, are you sure she's the leak?" You looks down at my hands that are now shaking badly, "yes, I found something else in the file that only she and 1 of person could possibly know." You can feel Maria's eyes on you, taking a breath you try to speak, but your emotions get the better of you. You quickly wipe the tears from your face, "Miss Stark, please tell us what you found?" You take a few pages from your bag and slide them across the table, after a silent few minutes Fury sighs, "who is the other person Y/n?" His voice is softer than normal, but you don't meet his gaze, "Happy Hogan, but I know he would never say a word to anyone."

"Can I share this information with Hill," you simply nod, still not making eye contact. He passes the papers to Maria and she reads over them, "do you know how this happened?" Nodding you start to explain, "well I had sex with..." he cuts you off sensing your frustration, "i kinda got that part, but the whole pregnancy part is what I don't get, how can you have created a child with another woman?" Maria sits down next to you, "Y/n, listen, I know this is hard but we need to know, so we know what we're dealing with." You can see the sincerity in her eyes, "I know, it's just, can it stay between the three of us, for now at least?" Fury and Maria exchange looks before both agreeing, you start fiddling with your shirt buttons trying to find the right words to explain the situation. "I somehow fell pregnant, but the only person I had ever been with was, you hesitate before saying the name out loud, Natasha Romanoff.

A few weeks after I found out I started running tests to see how it could've possibly happened, and that's when I went to Gold for help. She fertilized 4 of my eggs, two with donor sperm and two with female DNA. The only one that took was Natasha's, finally, after a year of testing my own genetics We found out that my body will only except a sustainable mate that guarantees the child's highest genetic chance of survival." You slowly lift your head to be met with Fury's intense gaze, and Maria's look of confusion. Fury stands up walking over to you, " how many eggs did she harvest?" You feel a bubble building in your stomach, there's no way i can open your mouth to speak, you quickly stand up running to the door. You just get my head over the toilet bowl in time, you can't remember the last time you had vomited this much. You stay in the same position for a few minutes, praying that there's nothing else coming up. Maria kneels beside you, handing you a bottle of water. "Hey, Y/n, I'm not ever gonna pretend I know what's going on, she gentle rubs your back, but I'm here if you wanna talk." You silently nod, before taking a sip of water, thinking that this is the nicest she has ever been to you. Not that she's normally mean, but right now she isn't Agent Hill, she is just Maria. But you know full well, the hardest part is still to come, "when's Fury having the briefing?" She stands up offering you her hand, "he's calling them in now."

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