Chapter 18

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Natasha adds the finishing touch's to her makeup, as she waits for you to get dressed ready for the party Tony decided you needed. You step out of the bathroom and her jaw nearly hits the floor, you choose to wear a simple black dress that complements your figure, it's highlights the curves of your body perfectly, you leave your hair down and natural. "Fuck Y/n, we're not making the party with you dressed like that." You can see the desire starting to build in her eyes, she places her hands on your hips gently pulling you closer. You kiss her gently, "I promise, soon I'll be all yours," She kisses you again and you can feel the emotion flowing through it, "I love you Y/n, and I will wait for as long as it takes." You nod softly, "I know, and that's one of the reasons I love you too." You have been back home for almost 9 weeks, but you and Natasha still haven't been intimate fully, you had been putting it off not because you didn't want her, but because honestly you're a little scared and the memory of what you did in the past have been secretly haunting you. She brings you out of your thoughts by move a stray hair behind your ear, "penny for them." You smile and kiss her nose, giggling when she scrunches it up, "just thinking how beautiful you are, and how lucky I am to have you." She takes your hand in hers, staring deeply into your eyes, "I'm the lucky one, I have the hottest woman ever." You push her playfully, "way to kill the moment Romanoff, now come on, we both know Tony will have a tantrum if we're late." You leave the room hand in hand and make your way upstairs to join the others.

Stepping out of the elevator you feel everyone's eyes on you, Sam whistles, "damn Stark, you look good." Natasha gives him a look of warning, he steps back a little. Steve gives you a small hug and kisses your cheek, "you both look amazing." You smile when you see Katie stand with Wanda, you give her a quick hug, "hey, how are you settling in?" She smile brightly, "great, thank you, everyone has been so kind and welcoming. Y/n thank you for giving me a chance and this amazing opportunity, I don't know if I can ever repay you for all this." Natasha hands you a drink and you thank her silently, "you don't have to Katie, you saved my life, so I think we're even." Natasha hand moves to your lower back causing goosebumps to erupt all over your body, Katie chuckles and excuses herself, you lean in and whispers in Nat's ear, " if you keep touching me like this we're gonna have a problem." She frowns and removes her hand thinking she has done something wrong, making sure no one can see you, you grab her hand and slid it up your thigh until it nearly touching you centre, she can feel the heat radiating from you. She quickly runs her fingers over your panties, causing you to inhale sharply, "can we leave now? I don't think I can keep my hands to myself for much longer." You let out a shakes breath, "we'll stay for an hour, please try to behave, or i might have to punish you." She raises her eyebrow and grin you her signature smirk, "now I'm not gonna be able to resist teasing you." You hear someone clear their throat, "please don't get all sexy with my daughter if front of me." You turn to see Tony with a fake scowl on his face, Natasha laughs, "sorry Stark, but have you seen her? She gestures to your body, It's kinda hard for me not to." He shakes his head and walks away.

An hour later you're sitting with Katie and Maria, just chatting about Katie's training and how well she's fitting in, when you feel a gentle kiss and the side of your neck, "I have been good all night so can we leave now?" She smirks against you skin and you know she has definitely had a few to many drinks. You sit her down next to you, you hand her your glass, "not until you drink some water." She huffs but expects it, Clint sits across from you, "so when are you leaving on vacation?" You glance at Natasha, "tomorrow morning hopefully," he chuckles, "she doesn't get hangovers so you should be fine." You smile, "she hasn't even pack yet so, that might be a problem." She leans forward brushing her hand against your leg, "and who says I'm taking clothes, I don't plan on wearing any." You blush slightly as everyone starts to laugh, "oh god, I think it's time for you to go to bed, She quickly stumbles to stand up, to sleep Natasha." She sighs and tries to sit back down, but you grab her hands. You both say you're good byes before heading off to your room. She flops down onto the bed and points to the closet, "i did pack, my suitcase is in there. I'm sorry bug, for getting a little drunk I mean." You help her get undressed before slipping out of your own clothes, "I still love you, no matter what." She curls up into you, and kiss your jaw whispering, "I know," before falling asleep, you can't help but smile to yourself. "Good night Natasha."

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