Chapter 7

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Nat gets to the med bay and you are trying to get out of bed mumbling to yourself, she quickly and gently pushes you back onto the bed. "Y/n you need to rest you're in shock." You look her dead in the eyes but don't seem to register Her standing there, " i killed her, i killed my love." She sits down next to you, gently holding your hand, "I'm right here bug." Natasha reaches up to cup your face but you flinch away, she retracts her hand as if she has been burnt. You continued mumbling, "i did what had to be done, it had to be done." She tries again to calm you but you don't respond to her.

Natasha pulls the doctor to one side, " i know she is in shock but how long will it last?" He sighs, "honestly Agent Romanoff I'm not sure, she isn't responding to the medication we have given her, i have never seen this level of shock in any of my patients, so i cant give you any definitive answers." You stop mumbling and look over to them, "your not Romanoff, i killed her, i did what had to be done." She steps out of the room and calls Tony, after a few minutes he joins her outside the med bay. "Tony i think she needs to be sedated, she's not gonna get any better other wise." He nods watching rock back and forth mumbling away, "I don't really want to do it but i know you're right, I'll get the doctor to do it now." Natasha stands outside watching through the window as the doctor injects you, and you slowly fall asleep.

She stands there for a few minutes just thinking about what you were saying. Something doesn't feel right to her, but it could just be the shock making you say these things. She slowly makes her way back to the security room, she helps Clint and Tony try and connect the two tracking devices. Wanda can't help but feel Natasha emotions and unease, it's the first time she has ever felt anything from the redhead without trying anyway. She also knows that if she says anything Nat will just shut her out, so she just keeps a quiet eye on her. Natasha Romanoff is certainly not one to talk about her personal feelings, but Wanda can't stop the emotions invading her senses. After about an hour she decides to pull Nat to one side, "I'm sorry Natasha but I can't stop myself from feeling your energy right now, do you want to talk about it?" She shakes her head, "sorry Wanda, I'll leave if it's bothering you, but I can't talk about anything right now, I have to find Doctor Gold." Wanda knows Nat doesn't mean to sound so harsh, she gently rubs Natasha's arm, "just know that I'm here if you need me okay."

Natasha goes back to the computer station to continue the search, but her mind isn't cooperating. She has never let her personal feelings distracted her from a mission, but then the missions have never involved you before. She shakes her head slightly trying to focus on the task at hand, "Tony why is this taking so fucking long, we should have found them by now." He turns to face her, "the tech is almost 5 years old and damaged, so it's gonna take time." She frustrating runs her hand through her hair, and walks out of the room, Tony is going after her before Wanda stops him, "give her some space right now Tony." He nods and goes back to work, "I guess watching yourself got shot and die is enough to fuck with your head." Clint gives Wanda a knowing look, as they both are well aware Nat's behaviour has nothing to do with that, but all to do with you.

She sits in the chair next to your bed, watching you sleeping form. She softly rubs the back of your hand, the images of you shooting her clone running through her head. There was no emotion in your eyes, and you didn't hesitate pulling the trigger. She knows you intimately enough to know that just the thought of hurting her would've made you sick to your stomach. Your words are play on a loop, I did what had to be done. She leans forward and kisses your forehead, before gently tucking a stray hair off your face. The feeling in the pit of her stomach is getting harder to ignore, what if you aren't you? She moves her hand to the bottom of your shirt, her hand begins to shake as she slowly lifts the material. Lifting it higher hoping to see the small scar that sits just below your belly button, she has mapped every inch of your body with her finger tips a million times. She quickly covers your stomach, and tears start to fill her eyes, when there's no sign of the scar. How could she have not seen it before, how did she not realise you are not you.

She calls Fury and Tony asking them to come to the med bay, but can't bring herself to leave you, so she just sits watching you until they arrive. Tony is the first one to walk in the door, he eyes filled with worry, "Romanoff what's going on?" She stands and gestures to the small side room, Fury enters and follows both of them inside. "We have a problem, thats not Y/n," Tony scoffs, "of course it is, I think I would've noticed if that wasn't my own daughter." Natasha shakes her head, "trust me Stark that is not your daughter," he tries to leave the room, but Fury stops him. "Do I dare ask how you know this Agent Romanoff?" Her eyes look everywhere but at Tony, "there's no scar on her stomach. Tony looks very confused at this point, Y/n has a small scar just below her belly button, I know because I did it, not on purpose, but anyway, the woman in that bed has no scar, and scars don't just disappear."

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