Chapter 11

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Natasha paces the room almost wearing a whole in the floor, "Stark you said two hours it's been two fucking days." He runs his hands through his hair, " Y/n may have been your bed buddy, but she IS my daughter, don't you think I want to find her just as much as you do, if I could make this piece of shit work faster I would." The room falls silent, Natasha takes a step closer to him, "don't try and push my buttons Stark, because I swear I WILL hurt you, and you know Y/n is more than just a fuck to me," her voice is dangerously low. He nods, "I know I'm sorry, it's just I'm getting stressed out, I'm going as fast as I can, but seem to be getting nowhere." She starts pacing again, "I know, sorry I keep pushing you."

Fury gives Maria a nod, "Romanoff, Stark, outside now," they both turn to see her standing in the door way, and follow her out into the corridor, we have a problem with clone Y/n, her...." Tony jumps in, cutting her off, "what do you mean problem?" She folds her arms across her chest, "well Stark if you had of let my finish you would know, she starts walking towards the med bay, her brain functions are slowly shutting down. The Doctors's and Banner aren't sure at the moment, Hydra must've messed up the process, so the cloned cells are starting to die." Tony stops dead in his tracks, "so you're tell us that basically Y/n is going to die?" She stops and turns around, "basically yes, but only her clone, the real Y/n won't be affected by any of it." Natasha is uncharacteristically quiet, because right now all her brain is processing is that you're dying. They enter the room to see your clone hooked up to several different machines.

She walks to your side and takes her hand, "is she in any pain?" Bruce shakes his head, "not at the moment, but as things progress it that might change." She knows the person laying in the bed isn't really you, but it doesn't make it any easier, her hand unconsciously goes to the pocket where the scan photo is, "how long before she?" She can't bring herself to finish her sentence, Bruce gives both of them a sad smile, "24hours give or take a few hours, her brain functions are dropping fast, we are trying to slowly it down, but nothing has worked so far." Tony gently rubs Natasha's back, "Banner, do us all a favour and don't prolong the inevitable, personally I would rather end this now before it gets painful for her, and I wanna be here when it happens, because clone or not that's still my daughter."

Tears slowly start building in Natasha's eyes, and she leans down to whisper in her ear, "I promise i will find you if it the last thing i do, i love you Y/n." She stands back up and leaves the room, she ends up outside of your office pushing the door open she can smell your perfume. Taking a deep breath she sits in your chair, and looks at the photos on your desk. She smiles and picks up the one of you, Wanda and Steve at Disney land, she remembers how much Clint moaned because he didn't get to go because he was away on a mission, and how you made it up to him by buying him dinner for a month. She sits silently just thinking about how much you have done for everyone on the team, the small tap on the door brings her back to reality. Wanda hesitates in the doorway, "hey, I wasn't sure if you had eaten yet so I brought you some food." She puts the bag on the table, "thank you Wanda," she turns to leave, but Natasha calls her back, "Wanda, please stay."

She nods closing the door and takes a seat opposite her, Natasha slides the ultrasound picture across the desk, "from a young age i was told that love was for children and that is was a weakness that the enemy will exploit, but i look at that scan and think about losing Y/n and all i can think about is how blind and stupid i have been. If i had just told her the truth none of this would be happening right now, for the first time in my life i feel completely lost." Wanda takes her hand, "Nat none of this is your fault, and I pretty sure Y/n knows how you feel about her, and right now I know your hurting, but you need to focus on finding her so you can tell her how much you love her. She hands her back the photo, use this as an insensitive, but also remember you need to take care of yourself now eat." Wanda pushes the bag of food closer to her, she give the girl a sad smile, " i know you're right, but you know i stubborn."

They sits in silence as Natasha eats, and Wanda reads your genetic report. After a few minutes she umps up from her chair startling Natasha, "OH MY GOD, i know who has Y/n and i think i might know where they are holding her." Natasha quickly follows her back to the security room, Wanda grabs a map from the table, "okay so back when Pietro and i were being tested on we were taken to a place in Germany, there was this American scientist guy who was fascinated by genetic strength and how some people have the ability o adapt to survive and others didn't, she circles a small remote village on the map, his facility was near here." Steve grabs the map, "its our only lead right now so I suggest a few of you head there now." Clint grabs his bow, "well what the fuck are we waiting for." Fury stops Tony and Natasha, "not you two," they both nod knowing that arguing his discussion what change the out come, "plus it's time."

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