Chapter 19

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Smut ⚠️ warning

The next morning you wake up to an empty bed, you sit up and call for Natasha, FRIDAY answers, "Miss Romanoff left the building 30 minutes ago." You frown getting out of bed, you see her suitcase by the door, just you walk in the bathroom the door opens. "Y/n, where are you? I have breakfast," you poke your head around the door, "I woke up alone, but all is forgiven if you have muffins." She sits on the bed unpacked the food waiting for you to finish in the bathroom, "yes I got muffins and coffee." You walk up to her positioning yourself between her legs, looking down at her, "I was just thinking we have two weeks to ourselves, and how much I'm gonna ruin you." She grips your hips, "bug don't make promises you can't keep," the playfulness clear in her voice, you lean down and kiss along her jaw, "oh trust me I plan on keeping them." She huffs when there a knock on the door, "Y/n Happy is ready when you are," you move from between Natasha legs, "thanks Steve, can you tell him we'll be 10 minutes." You drag her to her feet, "come on the sooner we get there the sooner you can have you gesture to yourself, all of this." You've never seen Natasha move so fast, she grabs both your bags and practically sprints out the door, you chuckle grabbing the last few bits and the breakfast from the bed.

Thankfully the journey goes quite quick, and soon walking up to your private hut, you stop to take in the beautiful view, Natasha snakes her arms around your waist, putting her chin on your shoulder, "can we stay here forever?" She hums in your ear, "if you want to then we will, but can we at least get inside and put the bags away first?" You turn placing a small peck to her lips, "sounds like a plan," once your inside the hut and put everything in its place, you slip off your clothes and put on your bikini. As you turn around you can feel her eyes on you, "Nat you're staring." She slowly walks towards you shedding her own clothes, "nope, I'm admiring my beautifully sexy girlfriend theres a difference." She is now standing barely an inch away full naked, your eyes wonder over her perfect body, you run your fingers up her arm to her breasts, "on the bed NOW."

She does as she's told and climbs on the bed, you remove your bikini and slowly crawl up the bed placing yourself between her legs. You kiss her roughly and she lets out a small moan, your hands go straight to her breasts and gently pull at her hardened nipples. She bucks her hips impatiently, you smirk down at her, "all in good time Natasha," you take her right nipple into your mouth gently sucking and bitting it, while rolling the left one between your finger and thumb, you sway sides making sure to lavish each one with the same attention. Her breathing is becoming heavy, and you know her patients is wearing very thin buy the way her hips are moving against you. You gently kiss down her chest towards where she wants you most, blowing lightly on her clit, she growls, "god fuck please." You swipe your tongue across it, she growls again, "PLEASE." You decide to stop teasing and run your tongue through her folds feeling how wet she already is, sucking her clit into your mouth you hum sending vibrations through her, she drops her head back onto the pillows and lets out a loud moan. You continue to suck at lick at her pussy, before slowly entering two fingers into her soaking wet entrance, she tightens around your fingers, she pants, "please go faster, i need you to fuck me hard please." You do as she ask and start to build up your pace, it doesn't take long before her orgasm hits and her pussy tightens around your fingers, she scream out your name as she cums, you help her ride out it out, then lean down to clean her up with your tongue. She pulls you up so she can kiss you, moaning as tasted herself on your lips, she tries to catch her breath, "holy fuck that was amazing."

She quickly flips you over, kissing and biting your neck, you grid your hips rubbing your pussy against hers, "Natasha, no teasing I'm warning you." She kisses down your body stopping to place a tender kiss to the scar on your stomach, her fingers skilfully working their magic between your legs. Your back arches as she takes your clit into her mouth, you cant stop the moans from leaving your mouth. She knows exactly how to make you scream, and shes not wasting time either. She pushes her tongue inside you and rubs your clit with her fingers, you breath hitches in your throat as she moves her mouth to your throbbing clit and she pushes her fingers inside your tight pussy. She can tell be the way you're practically fucking her hand that you need more, she adds another finger and speeds up, you begin to spasm around her hand, but she knows what to do to push you over the edge, she removes her fingers and spreads your legs wider before positioning her pussy on yours she grids herself against you hard and fast, you pull her down into a searing rough kiss, thrusting your hips upwards in time with hers, the noise coming from both of you are pornographic, the profanities start to spill from your lips, it only take a few more thrust for you to come undone, she doesn't slow down as her second orgasm is getting closer, you slip you hand between your bodies and gently squeeze her clit, causing her to cry out as she squirts her juices over your pussy, your both shaking as you start to come down from your highs. You pull her closer into your body, "i love you." She kisses the side of your neck, mumbling a soft i love you too. Your eyes slowly start to close, and you can hear Natasha breath start even out.

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