Chapter 17

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Sweat covers your body and you sit up breathing heavily, Natasha gently rubs your back, "you're okay Y/n, it was just a bad dream, I'm right here." The nightmares have been getting worse, the images keep flashing in your head. Tears stain your face, "i killed a guy with a fucking pencil, i killed people Nat, your body shakes as she pulls you into her, wrapping her arms tightly around you, I took their life away." She tries to soothe you, "I know bug, but if you didn't they would've done the same to you. I know it doesn't make this an easier, but Y/n please you need to stop punishing yourself." You sob into her chest, "what about their family's or kids? I took them away from them, I can't seeing the horrible things I did, there's just so much blood, I can feel it on my skin." Natasha holds you closer, and lets you continue your rambling, she knows it's the best way to deal with the nightmares. No matter how many times she tries to console you in the last few weeks, nothing has worked, and being no stranger to them herself. She knows all to well that sometimes the best thing to do is just hold you close and let you vent all of your emotions.

A few hours later you wake up still wrapped in Natasha arms and she's soothingly running her fingers through your hair. She places a kiss to your temple, "hey, you feeling better?" You nod softly, "kind of, sorry for waking you," She moves so you can see her face, "Y/n listen to me, I don't care about that, you could wake every hour and I wouldn't care, all I care about is you, and if you need me to hold you I'll gladly do it. I love you with all my heart, and I'll do whatever's needed to help you through this okay." She wipes the tears from your cheeks and kisses you softly, "I love you too, but I think i need professional help, I'm gonna see the doctor later today." She gives you a small smile, " okay bug, like I said whatever you need," you lay your head back down on her chest and just listen to her heartbeat, trying to calm your mind.

You're sitting in the med bay at the tower waiting for the doctor to remove the cast from your leg, and you can't wait for it to be gone after 8 weeks you've had enough, you just want to take a long hot bath. The doctor smiles softly, "are you ready Miss Stark?" You nod eagerly, "god yes, please get it off, it's been driving me insane, it itch's so much." She chuckles, "well it'll be gone in about 10 minutes, then We'll do a quick x-ray just to make sure the bones have healed correctly. All being well then you'll be cast free, but you might have to have some physiotherapy." You watch as she cuts the cast, "Doc, i was wondering do you know any good therapists, I've been having problems sleeping and having a lot nightmares." She hums, "I can refer you to a friend of mine if you want, she's one of the best therapist in New York. A little expensive but she gets results." She pulls the cast away and the cool air hits your skin, "that feels so nice, but now I have to shave, and yes please on that number." She stands up and moves the x-ray machine over your leg, "no problem I'll get you her card before I leave, now this will just take a minute." She leaves the room to take the x-ray, a few minutes later she comes back in smiling. "The bones have heal perfectly, but I would still take it easy for you a few weeks, and still use the crutches."

You head back to your room as fast as possible, you have never been this excited to take a bath in your life. The door opens just as you reach for the handle, "your bath awaits my lady." You laugh and kiss her lips, "what would I do without Romanoff?" She smirks, "I don't know, have to run your own damn bath." She helps you undress not that you need her to, and then helps you into the bath. You let out loud moan as you sink into the water, letting its warm engulf your body. Natasha sits on the side of the tub watching as you close your eyes, "that moan was almost pornographic, I've never heard you moan like that before, I must be doing something wrong." You open one eye and look at her, "trust me, you definitely do everything right, and when we go on vacation I'll show you pornographic." She leans in closer, "get out of the bath Stark, and pack we're leaving right now." You eyes go wide when you see her blown with lust, you decide to tease her a little, you pull her into a passionate kiss. "You'll have to wait, I need to shave my legs," you quickly peck her lips before grabbing the razor. She lets out a low growl and mumbles, "fucking tease."

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