|chapter 5|

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Luke and I have been sitting in this shop for about an hour before his phone starts to ring. He holds up his finger and answers the phone.

"Hey Ash," he says into the phone. "Yeah, I found her... I don't know, let me ask." He puts the phone to his chest. "Do you mind if the boys come? They want to see you." I nod to him and he lets Ashton know where we were.

"So we have a few weeks off of work. I was thinking about going back to New York to see this girl, but it looks like she moved. Do you mind if I stay here and hang out with you instead?" Luke asks me.

"Yeah, I guess." I give a small giggle. The three other boys come into the shop.

"GIGI!" They all yell and come and hug me.

"Hey guys, I've missed you." I hug them back.

"We've missed you too, G. One sec I'm gonna go and get some froyo!" Mikey says rushing over to the machines. Calum and Ashton follow him and get the toppings. My phone buzzes and it's from Liv.

Care to explain why I just drove LUKE FUCKING HEMMINGS to come find you???

I smiled sending her one back about telling her later and not to tell anyone else. The guys come back and we sit and chat and catch up, leaving out the depressing stuff. I wasn't quite ready to share that.


"Thanks for tonight guys. This was the hardest I've laughed in a really long time." I thank my friends.

"No worries, Gigi!" Ashton smiles at me. "We've missed you so much."

"I should be getting home now. My mom is probably worrying her ass off right now." I said standing up. The other boys do the same.

"It's been really nice seeing you, Gianna." Ashton gives me a big hug.

"We'll see each other real soon, got it?" Mikey says to me.

"It was really nice seeing you Gigi, you're still close to Claire, right?" Calum asks. "The last time I talked to her she told me you guys were still friends."

"Yeah, I talked to her on Monday," I smiled.

"That's good. I miss her so much. I'm going to see her in a few days." Calum smiles, in thought of Claire.

"That's good she'll really like that." I say to him.

I hug Luke next. He asks for my phone, putting his number into it. His name being Lukey with a little penguin emoji. Typical.

"I'll text you tomorrow, okay? This time I promise and I won't break it." He smiles and gives me one more hug. We walk out together, then I silently curse myself. Liv was my ride here. I begin to walk in the direction toward my house, I think, and Luke calls me back.

"Do you need a ride over to your place?" Luke asks.

"Uhh, maybe?" I chuckle.

"Come on, Ashton has a rental car with him, lets go." He nods in the direction of the car. I nod and follow them to the car. I tell them the address and they put it into their phone so they know where they're going because I sure as hell don't.

"So how long have you lived in Chicago for?" Mikey asks from the passenger seat.

"Like, a week ago?" I say to them.

"That's pretty cool." Calum replies, looking out the window.

"Why did you move?" Michael asks.

"Parents divorced, mom just wanted to move here to get a fresh start after a couple of years so we did." I say nonchalantly.

"Holy shit, Gianna. I'm sorry." Michael says turning around to me, Calum looks to me also.

"It's okay, I'm over it." I reply, partially lying.

"Oh okay," he says and turns around in his seat. Ashton takes a turn down a familiar street and I recognize it being my street.

"This is it." I speak up, Ash pulls over and I get out thanking them once again. As I get inside the apartment, my mom is fast asleep on the couch. I look at the clock in the kitchen and it's one in the morning. Shit I was out later then I imagined. I shook my mom slightly letting her know I was home.

"How was it?" She asks quietly, shaking her drowsiness out.

"Better than I thought it was going to be." I smiled. She gave me a confused look. "I'll tell you in the morning." I gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I can't believe this happened today. I got into my pajamas, happy for once.

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