|chapter 6|

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I woke up to my alarm in the morning. I smiled, remembering the events from the previous night. But then I remembered I had to explain it all to my mom and then to Liv, who is overly confused.

"Gianna, are you gonna tell me what happened last night?" My mom comes into my room. She sits on the edge of my bed.

"So, they figured out who I was at the meet and greet. I ran out after Luke said nice hair, ran to get froyo, he came and apologized and we talked. Then an hour later the rest of the boys came and we had fun. They drove me home last night." I told her.

"That's nice, wait did you say they drove you home? What happened to Olivia?" She asks.

"Liv brought Luke to the froyo place afterwards because he told her that's where I would be and she drove home afterwards." I explain.

"Oh okay, get ready for school, hun. Don't want to be late." She says, kissing my head and walking away. As I'm getting my towel, my phone buzzes.

Good morning princess. xx

I smiled at the text sending one back. I get into the shower and get ready for school. Today I'm wearing light washed skinny jeans, black ankle boots, and a baggy maroon sweater. I braid my thick hair into a long side braid and swing my backpack over my shoulder.

"Apple?" My mom calls. I grab one then leave. Again, I throw it in the trash.


As I get to school, Liv comes running into the halls. "You tell me this minute instant why-" She starts to say but I put my hand over her mouth.

"Sh, don't say it out loud, let me explain." She nods her head and we go over to our lockers.

"So I used to live in New York, me and Luke had dated for a while but they he had to leave for tour so they went away. Luke promised to call me every night but he never did and that was three years ago. So that's why I blew up at him and now we're cool because you brought him to the froyo place. He apologized and now we're good." I explain in a hushed tone. I take my hand from Liv's face and she was nodding with her mouth open.

"I'm so shocked right now, I can't form a sentence. You know how popular that band is at our school? If that gets out, everyone will want to be friends with you and you'd be so popular here." Liv said with her eyes wide open.

"Exactly why I don't want people to know. Liv, no one can know about it. Nobody. I mean it." I sternly say.

"Okay, okay," She puts her hands up in surrender.

"Thank you," I sigh. My phone buzzes and I look at it with another text from Luke.

What are you doing after school? xx

Nothing at all yet (: I reply, with a smile on my face. "Is that Luke?" Liv asks looking at my phone.

Wanna hang out? I'll pick you up from school. xx

Yeah, we can hang out at my place. I responded letting him know where my school is and what time it's over.

"Earth to Gianna." She waves a hand in my face. I look up at her. "Is that Luke?" She asks. I nod to her as the bell rings. This day is going to feel so slow.

As the final bell rings I make my way outside to see if Luke was here. I see him with black Ray Bans and him smirking at me with his lip ring in between his teeth. His long legs were in his usual black ripped at the knee skinny jeans and a grey hoodie covering his hair. I get up to him, giving him a hug.

"Hey," I speak up as I pull away from Luke, inhaling his scent. He still smells the same, minty and with his cologne he always uses.

"Hi Princess," Luke says as we walk toward his car. His car wasn't very far from where we were. He opens the passenger door for me and I smile politely as I climb in. He goes to the driver's side and starts the car. "So to your place then?" He grins and I nod my head.

Once we finally make it to my house, I show him inside to my room. He follows me like lost puppy and once he gets in, he looks around my room as I sit on my bed. He looks at the pictures of Claire and I before leaving for Chicago.

"She's gotten taller. Weren't you two the same height before?" He chuckles, pointing to the picture. I squint my eyes at it.

"Oh shut it. I'm done growing. She just had to get tall on me." I laugh. He does the same and moves on to my jewelry tree with all my necklaces. He picks out the one he gave me before he left. It was a small heart locket with an L on the front. Once you opened it, there was a small picture of Luke.

"Remember when I gave this to you?" He smiles sadly, holding it up for me to see.

"Yeah, it was two days before you left. You told me that since you weren't here physically, you'd always be in my heart. Literally, you meant it because you were a big dork at the time." I gave a small sad giggle.

"Did you wear it after I left?" Luke asks barely above a whisper.

"Everyday until I moved here. I took it off once and I just haven't put it on yet." I replied honestly. What's the use of lying?

He comes over to me and puts the necklace back on my neck for me. He moves the hair out of the way and clasps it in the back. I pull my hair out from under the necklace and he turns and gives me a small smile. He turns back around to look at my other pictures.

"Gigi! You're missing a picture!" He says after looking throughout my room.


"A picture of me and you!" Luke puts his hands up in the air like it's obvious.

"Well I have a good reason why. One being that I just saw you for the first time in three years yesterday and I wasn't going to put a picture up while I was sad! Let me get one, geez." I reply putting my hands up in surrender. I get on the floor reaching for the box under my bed that is full of things about Luke and I. I pull out a picture frame of me and him at the beach where he has me on his back. We were both laughing in the picture because Ashton had said something stupid and Claire had taken it when we were both looking at him. Luke was wearing blue swim trunks with his hair matted down from the water and his famous black Ray Bans. As for me, you can't see my bikini very well but it had just been a plain black one. I was wearing brown aviators and Luke's snapback on backwards and my hair was the same blonde shade as Luke's. The background of the picture was the water and some people that you couldn't see very well. This was a couple of weeks before Luke had left me. That summer was definitely my favorite.

"I love this picture." I say standing up, showing him.

"It's my favorite one," he grins and takes it from me. He puts it on my dresser, staring at it.

"Gianna, what are we?" He questions, not facing me.

"I have no idea." I sigh. Luke and I truly never broke up. It just kind of happened.

"I miss you so much, G. So much." Luke turns to me with a sad look in his eyes.

"I miss you too." I whisper, looking down. I hear him walk over to me, putting his hand under my chin making me look up to him. I'm just realizing now how much he towers over me.

"Can we start over?" He asks as his eyes stare into mine.

"I don't know, Luke." I look away from him. I can't handle eye contact right now, or I might just bawl my eyes out.

"Let me prove it to you. By the time my break ends, if you don't think we should be together then we will stay friends. Please just let me try." He begs, moving his arms to my shoulders.

"Okay," I reply. What am I getting myself into?

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