chapter three

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EVERYONE was dancing happily to the music, without a single care in the world. Zabdiel had helped send Rebeka to Iris, causing the two girls to have to stay seated at a table, Iris controlling her drunk friend.

"One more cup?" Rebeka pleaded and Iris rolled her eyes. "Stop it, you're wasted," the blonde said to her and she whined. "I'll take care of her, you can get a drink if you want," Christopher said to Iris over the loud music.

"Thanks!" she said and got up as he took her place. Just as Iris was about to go get a drink, she bumped right into a brunette and her drink spilled onto Iris' dress.

"Oh my- I'm sorry," the girl apologized before looking up at the blonde. "Iris?" she questioned and the girl finally looked at her face. "Liviana? What are you doing in town?" the blonde asked.

"What you guys are out here partying and shit while I'm supposed to stay cooped up in hell? Literally," Liviana scoffed. "Anyways, if you want I can pay for the cleaning of your dress tomorrow. Later, sis," the brunette said as she walked away from her half sister.

Iris clicked her tongue, heading for the washroom to try and clean the stain off of her dress.

Joel came out of the toilet, finding Iris by a sink, aggressively using a napkin to wipe her dress. He looked around and decided to enter. The girl turned to look at him.

"What do you want?" she sighed, getting back to wiping the stain off her dress

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"What do you want?" she sighed, getting back to wiping the stain off her dress. You, he thought, but the stupid venom won't even let you last one night.

"What happened?" Joel asked instead of voicing his thoughts. "Liviana," Iris muttered. "She's here?" he asked and the girl nodded. "Don't tell me she threw a drink at you," he chuckled.

"She bumped into me," she chuckled. Iris looked into the mirror and there was pretty much still a stain there and she sighed.

She pulled another piece of a 2-ply napkin out of the built in container in the wall and started wiping again. Joel sighed and went next to her, taking a napkin before turning to her. He shoved her hand away gently and helped wipe the stain off.

Iris stared as he gently wiped the stain off, and succeeded. "Good as new," he said as he tossed the used napkin into the trash can. Iris took her purse that was by sink. "Thanks," she muttered before walking back outside.

Joel let out a soft chuckle as he leaned back onto the sink.


Rebeka woke up, feeling a throbbing pain in her head. She sat up, massaging her temples. That was when she felt the cold wind from the air conditioner hit her bare skin. She didn't have a single cloth on her body, except for the blanket.

She turned to her right, another bare body that was only covered by the blanket. Only when he turned around, she realised who it was. "Christopher Velez!" she exclaimed, waking the boy up.

"What?" he asked, yawning. "You didn't even stop this cabron!" Rebeka shouted, hitting Christopher with a pillow. "We were both drunk woman. Stop hitting me!" he groaned, grabbing the pillow out of the girl's hands.

Rebeka groaned in frustration as she used her magic to gather her clothes and put them on. "Leaving already?" Christopher asked and Rebeka flipped him off, walking out the door as he chuckled.

Ileana walked through the forest for some alone time, but that was taken away from her when Erick zoomed in front of her. "Bloody hell," she cursed. "What are you doing here?" she asked the boy. "Liviana is suffering from the effects of a kiss," Erick sighed and Ileana's eyes widened.

"Where is she?" she asked. Erick gestured for her to follow him as he turned into a werewolf and Ileana shapeshifted into a fox.

"You fucking idiot!" Iris groaned as she paced the room. Liviana was laid on the bed in their home. Just then their friends came flooding through the door. "What the fuck happened?" Ariana asked as she rushed to Liviana's side.

At first it was Ariana, Rebeka, Ileana and Erick since he was the one that brought Liviana over. But the two angels came as well, so did Richard and Zabdiel. "What are you gonna do about this?" Erick asked Iris. "I'm waiting for Jade to come with some remedies so Liv can heal better," the blonde informed him.

"Well the wait's over," a thick geordie accent said from the door. "When they said you have 5 kisses, maybe save it for your wedding and when you make kids," Jade said as she made her way to Liviana.

The brunette coughed up again, a black substance dripping from her mouth. Erick was about to help wipe it but Iris gripped onto his arm. "It's the venom. I'll do it," she said and took the towel out of his hand.

The blonde sat on the bed next to her sister and wiped the girl's mouth as Jade prepared the potion. "Rebe I need your help on this one," she said and Rebeka went next to her, helping her chant a spell.

"Drink this," Jade said as she poured the potion into a cup and slowly helped Liviana drink it. "She should be alright in an hour or two. But she already used up one kiss-" Jade was cut off mid sentence.

"Two. Two kisses. The first one was back down there," Liviana explained. "In hell?" Iris questioned and she nodded. The blonde scoffed.

"If it's Liviana dying from the venom I'm not surprised," a deep voice was heard from the door. Everyone turned to the source of the voice and it was none other than Alron.

"3 more lives Liviana. It's not such a surprise honestly, but you Iris," he said directly to the blonde who was giving her back to him. "If it's you dying from the venom, that'll be an embarrassment," was all he said before leaving.

Iris sighed, getting up and leaving their home.

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

sooo, here's a wack chapter for y'all, it'll get interesting ( hopefully its interesting ) really soon lol

so bare with me for now while i catch up on my prewriting game ;)

bye, don't be a ghost and hit that star button, thanks :D

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