chapter twenty three

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IRIS woke up covered up in the sheets, with a strong arm wrapped around her waist from the back. She turned around slightly only to see Joel sleeping peacefully.

A smile creeped on her face as she remembered what happened last night. She turned around under his arm to face him, admiring his features.

"Maybe take a picture then you'll get to stare at it everyday," his raspy morning voice said as his eyes opened slowly. "Hi," she giggled. "I would but it wouldn't be authentic," she shrugged as he chuckled.

They laid down like that in silence as they both simply admired each other. "When can you take it again?" he asked and the girl laughed.

"So at least I can kiss you," he added and she smiled softly. "I don't know, I don't wanna go too much for that," she pouted slightly.

She inhaled deeply, looking into deeply into his hazel eyes. "Joel," she called out and he hummed in response.

"I love you," she admitted. Joel's eyes widened slightly, surprised by her confession. "I love you too," he smiled, pushing her hair out of her face.


The weekend ended, and now the group of teens are back in school. Joel had gotten Ariana to take his seat next to Richard so he could be next to Iris.

"Did he melt the ice queen?" Christopher whispered and the rest of the group that were close shrugged. "She looks happy, I'm happy for her," Ileana smiled.

They then shifted their attention to their teacher who had just entered.

Everyone was jotting down the notes Jose was giving them, when suddenly Jade got up and ran out of the class. Joel was worried, but he couldn't do anything.

The girl ran to the washroom, and vomitted into the toilet bowl. Once she was done, she backed away, still sitting on the floor.

Gripping onto her stomach, she breathed heavily. "Fucking Marais," she spat.

The girl then made her way back to class. "Jade, is everything okay?" Jose asked the girl. "Yeah, I'm just kinda sick, that's all," she forced a smile before heading back to her seat.

Joel turned to look at her, and the girl shrugged at him.

It was time for lunch break, and everyone were going their own ways. Joel and Jade were talking outside of the school building, and Iris being curious, followed them.

"I don't know what to do anymore, if I keep this everyone will know. But I can't just abort it," Jade whisper yelled to her brother.

"Well until we figure things out, we'll keep this a secret. No one should know you're pregnant," Joel told her, and Iris decided that was all she wanted to hear, so she ran back inside.

"We'll try to find Jonah tomorrow," he said again. "What happens if he won't admit it? Or if he doesn't want it?" Jade questioned.

"Then you'll raise the kid on your own, I'm here. I can help you," he reassured his sister, before the two then went their separate ways.

Iris leaned onto a wall, trying to hold in the tears. She didn't listen to the complete conversation, so to her Jade was pregnant, but with Joel's baby.

"Iris, what's wrong?" Ileana rushed to her side as she saw her friend fighting the tears.

"Jade's pregnant," the blonde said, "and it's probably Joel's," she choked.

Ileana's eyes widened, clenching her jaw. "How'd you know?" she asked. "I overheard them," Iris told her.

"Come here," Ileana sighed, holding her arms open for her friend who crashed straight into her arms as she cried onto her shoulder

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"Come here," Ileana sighed, holding her arms open for her friend who crashed straight into her arms as she cried onto her shoulder.

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

and the misunderstanding beginssss 😈

just as joel and iris were gonna be happy, like i said i'd fuck shit up hehe

so jade's baby daddy is mr jonah marais, so clearly he's gonna come in soon lol

and the drama begins 😌

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