chapter forty two

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REBEKA tied her hair into a half up half down ponytail, leaving a side fringe down by the side of her face. They were all at the Morales' getting ready for Christopher's big day.

The girl inhaled sharply. She wasn't sure if she should even be there. But the girls are making her go.


Everyone gathered in the town hall. It was decorated nicely for the wedding. Joel, Iris, Ariana, Richard, Liviana and Erick sat in the first row while Rebeka, Jade, Jonah, Zabdiel, Ileana, Corbyn, Christina sat in the second row, the others sat in the row behind them.

Rebeka's heart was beating fast. She didn't even want to be there.

"Don't think about it," Jade whispered to her, looking straight ahead. "What?" Rebeka asked.

"Don't think about running away. If you really don't feel anything and want to prove it to him, stay," the brunette told her.

It was a torture for sure, but Jade wanted to prove a point. If she doesn't feel anything then it shouldn't be a problem to sit there and watch him get married.

Soon enough, the groom walked in and stood at the altar. After a while, the door opened and Lucy walked in with her arm linked with her father's. The girl looked as beautiful as ever.

After she arrived at the altar, her father went to sit with her mother.

The minister started the ceremony. Everyone sat in silence and watched as he spoke.

Then came the most important part.

"Christopher Velez, do you take Lucy Rayne to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?" he asked.

It was dead silent. Christopher breathed in deeply, looking across at Lucy. The girl simply gave him a sad look, understanding the look on his face.

"I can't," he said before running out.

Rebeka let out a sigh of relief. As bad as it sounded, she was happy but kept a blank face. The boys all ran after Christopher.

"Go," Jade nudged her. That was when the other girls turned to her as well. "If you don't go now I will personally drag your ass," Liviana told her.

Rebeka looked at her friends before getting up and running outside.

She ran all the way through the woods and saw the boys by some trees. "He's there," Zabdiel said to her, gesturing to a big tree further ahead.

"We'll be here," Richard said to her, "go." With that she went straight to the direction they pointed.

"Happy now?" he asked her. Christopher was sat down leaning on a tree while she stood in front of him.

"Why'd you do that?" she asked, despite knowing the answer. Christopher chuckled. "Cause I don't wanna marry her. She knows that," he shrugged.

"Why'd you wait till the last minute?" she asked.

"Cause I was waiting for you,"

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

switching my positions for youuuuu (this was so off topic bruh bye)

so, this book will be comin to an end... an open ending probably and maybe i'll continue it some other time in a century maybe, so don't get ur hopes up 🤧

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