chapter thirty eight

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LUCY paced her room, tapping onto the back of her phone.

What in the hell did her parents get her into?

She's not ready for marriage, but now she's got no choice. She has to marry someone she grew up with, and their relationship has been completely platonic since the beginning.

Just like Christopher, she's completely in love with someone else; his best friend actually, Rio.

Unlike Rebeka, he was actually trying to fight for her. Their relationship weren't exactly prohibited or whatsoever, but her parents agreed on her to marry Christopher because of the benefits they could get from their daughter marrying an Angel in Ravenhill.

They could basically run the town.

"Lucy! Come, we need to be there by 8," her mother called for her. "Yes mom," the girl sighed.

They were heading to a ball at the Velez's, and of course the gang were going as well. The girl left her room and joined her family to the Velez's.


The descendants and the demented's were already there. For once after a while they cleaned up, and actually looked like some royal family.

"I wonder where's the soon to be bride," Iris questioned, scanning the ballroom with a glass of champagne in hand.

"Do you think she likes him?" Ileana asked. "Girl, we all know they grew up together and they're just friends. Plus, she's with Rio apparently," Ariana shrugged.

"Wait like Rio Brunelli?" Richard asked and the girl nodded. "The one that owns that pub?" Daniel asked and once again she nodded.

"Where's Rebeka?" Jonah asked. "She's coming a little late," Liviana answered. "Or maybe she just doesn't wanna come at all," Jade shrugged.

"Why wouldn't she- oh," Liviana stated, finally getting it. "He was probably just a good fuck for her," Zabdiel shrugged.

"Oh hun, if only you knew," Jade chuckled, shaking her head. "What do you know? Spill," Erick said.

"Chris went to her about his wings, and she immediately volunteered to help him. She wanted to do it alone at first, but then she talked to her aunt. And then they both- well technically we- all helped cure him. And her aunt died because of she used too much of her powers," Jade explained.

"Why didn't you tell us this?" Joel asked. "We all know how Rebe, she doesn't wanna admit shit. She's clearly in love with him," Jade pointed out.

"This is messy," Zach sighed, drinking from his glass.

"Zachary, this is Ravenhill. It's always messy," Ileana sighed. "I'll drink to that," Corbyn said, drinking as well.

Then they heard someone testing the microphones. "Okay it's good," they heard Christopher's mother's voice through the speakers.

"Alright, hello good evening everyone. Thanks for coming tonight!" she said as she held her glass up and everyone clapped.

"So tonight is to celebrate a really good news to our family. Soon, there'll be a new addition for us. My son, Christopher, is engaged to Lucy Rayne," she announced and an applause was heard through the ballroom.

Christopher stood at the side, putting on a fake smile.

"We haven't set a date yet, but it'll be within this month or the next month, so it wouldn't be too far. So yeah that's about it, enjoy," she said and excused herself from the stage.

"It's happening isn't it?" Lucy asked as she went to stand next to Christopher, who is now her fiance apparently.

"Yeah, I guess it is," he sighed, taking a sip of his wine. "Is Rio here?" he asked her as everyone was busy in their own conversations.

"Even if he was, I can't go to him can I?" Lucy chuckled sadly. "I'm sorry you got dragged into this," Christopher apologized and the girl shrugged.

"Shit happens. It's not all your fault," she said and gave him a reassuring smile.


Everyone was leaving the Velez's mansion, and Lucy was engaged in a conversation with the gang along with Christopher.

"Congrats, I guess," Jack said to them, unsure. "Thanks, I guess?" Lucy shrugged and they laughed.

Then she heard the sounds of footsteps approaching from behind her. The girl turned around, meeting the eyes of her lover.

Rio walked towards the woods a little, not too deep inside

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Rio walked towards the woods a little, not too deep inside. "Excuse me real quick," Lucy said, before following Rio.

"Congrats on the engagement," he said once she was close. "You know I don't want this," she sighed. "Neither do I," he shrugged.

"What happened to them liking me?" he questioned. "Babe, I don't even know what to do right now. Maybe after some time me and Chris can figure something out," Lucy reasoned with him.

"I don't wanna marry him, I love you. Not anyone else," she said again as she reached for his hands. "I love you too," he said softly as she reached for a quick kiss.

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

this messy rn, is it messy enough?

okay so, rio is actually lucy's boyfriend.. hmmm

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