chapter thirty one

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"HOW bad is it?" Jonah asked as they gathered in Liviana's room. "Pretty bad," Jade huffed. "We might lose her," Iris let out, completely emotionless. "Don't say that," Christopher said to her.

"It's the truth, we needa face it. I needa face it, I might lose my sister," Iris said, mumbling the last part. "We got it," Ariana said as she ran into the room.

"We know what she used to do this to Liv," she repeated. "What is it?" Erick asked.

"It's kinda like a poison, if we got it, like us that don't have venom in our veins, we could straight die. But it has a slow effect on Liv cause her venom is fighting back. We haven't found the cure but we're working on it," she explained.

"So is there a way to heal her or no?" Erick asked again. "We don't know," Ariana shrugged sadly.

"Let's pay the siblings a visit," Iris said through gritted teeth. "Let's go," Zach nodded, getting up with Erick.

"Let me go with you," Joel said, grabbing Iris' arm. "No, you stay and help them. Erick and Zach are coming with me. I'll be fine," she reassured him.

He then turned to the two boys. "Take care of her," he said firmly and they nodded. "You can count on us," Erick said, patting Joel's shoulder.


Jose and Susana were in their home, sitting in the living room. "You think she took it?" Susana asked her brother out of curiosity. "Probably, so that'll mean she's dying," Jose shrugged.

"When are we gonna stop this? Jose we can't keep terrorising them all our lives," Susana said to her brother.

"What's wrong with you? Why the sudden change of heart?" he asked. "Because this isn't right-" she let out.

"Or because you're in love with Zach?" he fired back. Susana sat shut.

Just as he opened his mouth to say something, there were knocks on the door. Loud knocks. He got up to open the door, and he was rather surprised.

There stood Iris, Erick and an old friend; Zach. The blonde girl quickly put on a wide, fake smile.

"Hi," she greeted and pushed pass his shoulder into the house. "Oh hey Su," Iris said when she saw the girl on the couch as she waved her fingers at her.

"Let's get to business shall we?" Erick said once he stood next to Iris, along with Zach.


"I don't know what you're talking about," Jose shut them down. "Oh c'mon, you're trying to kill us aren't you?" Iris questioned standing in front of him as he was sat on the couch.

"You tried to ruin Iris and Joel's relationship, and now you got your sister to poison Liviana?" Zach listed, looking at Susana through the corner of his eye.

"That's exactly what happened," Susana muttered, looking down at her feet. Jose snapped his head at her, glaring.

"Even if she didn't say it we already knew," Erick said straight to Jose.

"Now we need a lil something from you both," he said again.

"How can we heal Liv? And then tell us why you did all this," Iris said.

"How can we heal Liv? And then tell us why you did all this," Iris said

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"It's a long story," Susana pointed out. "Oh we can stay all day love," Zach smirked at her.

Iris pulled a chair nearby and sat with the back of the chair facing the same direction as her; towards the siblings.

"Now get talking," she demanded.

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────


my prewriting is slowly getting back on track, and all i need to say is this is getting kinda intense

are they gonna find a cure for liv? who knows 🤷‍♀️

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