chapter fourteen

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LIVIANA went through Iris' closet, trying to find an outfit. "Just pick anything, who you glamming up for?" Iris asked the girl as she curled the ends of her hair.

"No one," the brunette shrugged and her sister chuckled. "I know there's someone, tell me," Iris said to her sister as she set her curling iron down.

"Well there's someone but I won't tell you who," Liviana told her sister. "But he's kinda different than the other boys," she said again. "Ah, different?" the blonde teased.

"Let's just say this time I might take things into a different way," the brunette smiled, holding her outfit out.

"No more fucking around?" Iris asked and the girl chuckled. "Not as often at least," she said innocently and Iris playfully gasped. "You little nasty," the blonde shoved the girl out of her room.

"They'll be here any minute, be quick," she said to her sister before closing her room door. Standing by the window, she let out a sigh.

Seems like everyone around her is finding their significant other, but she felt like never will.

If only she knew..


Iris and Liviana helped their maids in setting the table. "We can do this, you two can just relax," Silvia, one of their maids said to them.

"It's fine, we can help. It won't hurt to set the table," Iris said to her, arranging the plates. "Okay then, I'll help the others in the kitchen," Silvia told the girls and excused herself.

Iris and Liviana continued to perfect the setting, just as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Liviana said and Iris nodded.

The brunette opened the door to Ileana and Ariana. "Hi!" she greeted them, pulling the girls into a hug. The two entered and headed for the dining room.

Next were the boys, then Rebeka and Jade. The table was now full, everyone sat in their places. Iris and Liviana at two ends of the table, Joel, Richard, Christopher, Zabdiel and Erick on the right, while Jade, Ariana, Rebeka and Ileana were opposite them.

Dinner was served and they ate while talking about things.

"Richard, you never really told us what actually happened to you," Ileana pointed out, picking up her glass of champagne.

Richard looked across him at Ariana who shrugged. "Yeah, tell us," Jade said again. The boy set his glass down.

"I don't exactly remember how it started, but all I know is that I woke up in this cabin somewhere in the woods," he started to tell them.

Everyone payed close attention to what he was telling them. He told them about the fact that he was taken there by someone, and that that someone needed his help.

Richard looked around nervously, unsure as to whether he should tell them who it was.

"Sebastian Romeo," Ariana blurted. All eyes were on here. "I'm sorry but did I miss something?" Zabdiel asked, confused.

"Sebastian Romeo took me," Richard explained and Joel nearly spat his wine out. "As in the Chosen One that's on the run?" Rebeka asked and he nodded.

"How did you know this?" Ileana asked Ariana. "I told her earlier today, at school," Richard answered on behalf.

"And you didn't bother telling us?" Erick asked, gesturing to him and the boys. "You told Ari and not us? Why's that?" Christopher asked and Richard and Ariana exchanged glances.

"Oh my-" Jade muttered, holding in a laugh. She had slipped into Ariana's mind and read her thoughts, finding out what Richard and Ariana had been up to.

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