chapter thirteen

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ILEANA took a sip from her coffee, just as an arm snaked it's way over her shoulder. She looked down to her right, seeing the arm hanging down loosely there.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking up to her left. "I'm walking with you, anything wrong bout that?" Zabdiel responded, looking down at the girl with a smirk.

"Can't you just leave me alone for one day?" she sighed. "I left you alone for the past two days, time's up," he shrugged, walking through the hallways with his arm still around her shoulder.

"I can't walk like this," she groaned. "Suck it up," he simply responded, "you'll have to get used to it." Ileana rolled her eyes.

"Look at you two," Liviana teased as she walked towards the way. "Save me from this blood-sucking creature," Ileana pleaded dramatically as Zabdiel and Liviana laughed.

"I just wanted to say, me and Iris want you guys over for dinner," Liviana explained. "And Alron? If he's there I'm not going," Zabdiel said and Ileana agreed.

"He won't be there. At least he won't be eating with us, he might pass by though," the brunette shrugged. "As long as he's not eating with us I think it's good enough," Ileana said and Zabdiel nodded.

"Tonight, 8 pm, don't be late," Liviana said as she walked backwards, away from them.

Meanwhile, Rebeka was with Jade in the cafeteria. "Where's Iris?" Jade asked the girl who shrugged. "Probably going around to find the gang for the dinner thing," she responded.

"You're coming right?" Jade asked her and she nodded. "I'm pretty sure everyone is, and I still wanna know what actually happened with Richard," Rebeka said.

"Same here," Jade agreed and just then Iris and Liviana both joined the two at the table. "Okay so everyone's coming," Iris said.

"Not surprised," Jade shrugged. "Oh fuck," Liviana muttered. "I don't have anything to wear!" she gasped. "Just go through my closet, you'll find something," the blonde told her.

"Lifesaver!" Liviana squealed, hugging her half sister from the side. "Iris, I heard you're learning about your wings," Jade pointed out and the blonde nodded.

"It was hard at first, but I got a hang of it. Joel helped," she told them and the three girls exchanged glances. "Joel?" Rebeka asked and the blonde nodded.

"What?" she asked, looking at her friends. "Don't you guys hate each other?" Jade asked and the girl chuckled. "We're friends, we're good," she told them.

"Just friends?" Liviana wiggled her eyebrows. "Yes, just friends," Iris stated again, rolling her eyes. "We'll see bout that," Rebeka said.

"Don't forget bout your venom though," Jade reminded her. "I know, Jade, I know," Iris sighed.


Erick and Christopher were in the boys' lockers room, right after soccer practice. Richard, Joel and Zabdiel all rushed there to see the two.

"What do you guys want?" Erick asked, buttoning up his shirt. "You guys are coming to the dinner tonight right? At the Morales'?" Richard asked the two who nodded.

"Good. We're all heading to Joel's place to get ready and we'll go to their place together," Zabdiel told them. "Is Rebe coming?" Christopher asked and the boys shrugged.

"Why? Planning on borrowing one of their rooms?" Joel teased and the boys snickered. "Shut up," Christopher said, tossing the towel in Joel's face but he caught it in time.

"Hurry up, we have class in fifteen minutes," Zabdiel reminded. "Right, since when are we early?" Richard asked. "Never," Erick, Christopher and him all said at once while Zabdiel chuckled.

"That's why we should be early today, come on," Zabdiel told his friends who sighed but complied.

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

since i hv this pre-written i'm publishing this

as much as i wanna write and publish more i'm too tired, i'm sorry :/

school started and its rough ngl

but yeah here enjoy :)

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