chapter forty four

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2 months later...

EVERYONE pretty much got their life together. Christopher and Rebeka are officially a thing and his parents, well they couldn't say much anymore. Lucy was back with Rio, and the two were never happier.

Jade gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, also one of the most powerful beings in town. She and Jonah also got together, apparently for their daughter but they both actually fell quite in love.

Joel and Iris were going strong, although the girl still has her venom. He knows how to handle her. Erick and Liviana were also like a perfect match, as well as Zabdiel and Ileana and Richard and Ariana.

It's kinda crazy how a lot changed for them within 2 months, but they're happy.

"If it can stay this peaceful forever I'd love that," Iris stated as Joel wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

The two were at her home, standing at her balcony as they watched the boys toss water balloons at each other downstairs.

"That would be a dream," he said, resting his chin on her head. The couple then laughed when they saw Erick bringing out a random water gun and shooting it straight at the others.

"I swear they're children," the blonde chuckled.

"Erick Brian Colon, put that down!" Ileana exclaimed, which only made him shoot it at her even more.

"Hey hey that's enough," Zabdiel said, holding his girlfriend from behind. Erick finally stopped, putting the water gun away.

"Are you guys gonna stay for dinner?" Iris asked once she and Joel joined them outside. "Probably yeah," Ariana nodded.

"Jade and Jonah are coming with Ava in a bit," Liviana told them. "Okay a baby's coming y'all better behave," Rebeka said.

"You mean another baby is coming? Considering everyone here are kids," Ileana chuckled. "We're responsible though," Christopher defended himself.

"Yeah sure," Rebeka scoffed. "Heyyyy," her boyfriend whined.

"Okay okay let's just get inside and have everyone dried up," Joel laughed.

They all went inside and got cleaned up.


The teens were all sat at the dining table, eating their dinner as they talked and laughed.

Everything seemed perfect right now. And that's how they'd like it to be.

Everyone got along, and there was no rivalry between them.

Even though they may have faced philophobia, they definitely pulled through and beat it. Even as supernaturals with their differences, they were capable of love.

And they proved it.


The end.

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

this was terrible i'm sorry argh

but okay soooo here comes the "ending of another book" speech.

i just wanna say thank u so much for all the support on this book, and i'm sorry that towards the end it got crappy but i kinda lost the hype and motivation for this book so again forgive me 😔

but yeah, thanks so much for sticking around. can't believe it's the end of philophobia 🤧 but yeah ily, go read my latest books;

one of us (.cnco)
strangers (.zdj) [about bloody time i made a zabdiel book grr]

okay yeah bye ily stay safe 💕 and i am definitely not crying coz this the end of another pretty beautiful story bye

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