Chapter 2- Mission

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The next morning Five woke up to a sleeping Vanya. She looked beautiful, even when sleeping. He kissed her forehead and she stirred.

"Morning" he said

"Morning" she said sluggishly, half asleep. "What time is it?".

"Almost 8:00" Five replied.

"Ughh, your gonna have to go to training soon and go back to your room" Vanya whined.

"Yeah,  I don't wanna go either" Five said and pulled Vanya closer.

They stayed like that for a couple more minutes and Five reluctantly transported back to his room.

Vanya got up and got dressed into her normal plaid skirt, white button up, tie, and blazer. She walked down stairs to join the rest of her family for breakfast.

By the time she got down stairs everyone was already sitting at the table.

"Number 7, why are you late?" Reginald asked.

"I'm...not that late sir" Vanya hesitantly spoke.

"Do not talk back to me Number 7. Now sit down" Reginald said.

Vanya bowed her head and walked to her spot at the table.

Five was fuming. This man never appreciated Vanya for anything she did.

"Do you even know what day it was yesterday?" Five asked

"Thursday, but you are breaking the 'no speaking rule' at the table" Reginald said.

"Typical. It was Vanya's birthday yesterday. You know? Your daughter" Five pressed.

"Number 5! No outbursts at the table! No silence!" Reginald yelled and slammed his hands on the table.

Vanya secretly grabbed Five's hand and shook her head. He immediately calmed down as he looked her.

Five reluctedly sat back down, not wanting to cause any more trouble. The rest of breakfast was carried out in silecnce.

After breakfast, the siblings had a little bit of time before training. Five headed to the library, where he usually found Vanya.

Sure enough, she was reading in her usual position on the couch. He walked over to her and she gave him a warm smile.

"You okay? You seemed off after breakfast" Vanya asked.

"I'm fine. It just makes me so mad how dad treats you" Five responded.

"It's fine. I've gotten used to it now, I'm just not important to him"

"Maybe not to him, but you are to me"

Vanya looked up at him longingly. She whispered "I really wanna kiss you right now".

"Don't tempt me" Five said.

Just then the alarm went off, meaning there was trouble.

Five immediately got up and teleported to his room. He was about to transport down to the rest of the team when Vanya stopped him at the doorway.

She leaned in and gave him a quick peck. "Be careful out there".

"I'm always careful. Don't worry" Five reassured her and left.

time jump to crime scene

The Umbrella Academy was up against another bad guy, but this guy was different.

Around their age, he didn't have powers but seemed to know everything about them.

Their powers, their strengths, their weaknesses.

"Why are there only 6 of you...wheres the other one?" the mysterious mad asked.

The siblings all looked at each other.

"What are you talking about? How do you know everything about us?" Luther asked.

"Oh Luther, I know all about you and your dear siblings. Ben, Klaus, Alison, Five, Diego, and...Vanya"

Five tensed up at Vanya's name. She never left the academy, how did this guy know who she was?

"Who are you and how do you know about Vanya!?" Five yelled.

"Well from now on, call me Harold. Harold Jenkins".

Hey guys! Thanks for all the reads and votes! I'll try to update as much as possible and I really appreciate everything!

See you in the next chapter!!!
❤️ fangirlspam_234

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