Chapter 8- Leonard Peabody

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Vanya gathered up her stuff, her violin, her wallet, her phone, and her keys. She gathered up the courage to leave the safety of her and Five's apartment and go outside.

Vanya had never been in the outside world on her own ever before. It was ridiculous. She was 18 and had never been outside by herself.

She walked four about 10 minutes trying to figure out where this 'Leonard Peabody' lived. She eventually found the address that was posted in the newspaper. It was a small house a couple blocks down from her own apartment.

She knocked on the door and waited for an answer. A young man around her age answered the door. He looked a little familiar but Vanya couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Leonard Peabody?" Vanya asked in her normal shy tone.

"Yep that's me. You must be Vanya, my new tutor?" He responded.

"Yes I am" Vanya stated and held up her violin.

"Great, come on in, pardon the mess, I just moved in" Leonard said.

"Oh that's all right, I just moved in too" Vanya said, stepping over boxes.

"Oh really? Small world! Where?" Leonard asked.

"Down the street"

"Oh, with anyone special?" Leonard leaned in closer.

"Why don't we start with basic notes" Vanya suggested and pulled out her violin and book.

"Oh of course" Leonard said and grabbed his own violin and started to copy Vanya's hand movements.

Meanwhile, Five was lifting heavy materials up over his head. His new companions were shocked at the strength of an 18 year old. At their lunch break, Five joined his new team.

"Where you from bud?" one of them asked him.

"Out of town, you wouldn't have heard of it" Five responded.

"What's your name?" another one asked.


"Five? As in the number?" one of them laughed.


"Well then Five, what are you doing here in the middle of nowhere?"

"My girlfriend and I wanted to start a new life away from our- her father" Five corrected himself.

"So it's just you and your girlfriend here?"


"Are you guys scared?"

"No, in fact, we've never been happier" Five's heart fluttered thinking about Vanya.

"Yeah, I wanted to do that with my girlfriend once, but we didn't have the guts to just pack up and leave. In the end she ended up moving away and I never saw her again. To this day I still regret not leaving with her and it's been 30 years" one of the guys said.

"I'm sorry man" Five said and patted the guys shoulder.

"Call me Steve. That's Rob and that's Henry" Steve said.

Five nodded and was happy to have made new friends already.

"So this lady must be special, tell us about her" Rob asked.

"Vanya? She's amazing. She's gorgeous, funny, kind, generous, smart, loyal, sexy, everything you look for in the perfect girlfriend. I honestly have no idea why she hasn't left me yet, she is way out of my league" Five ranted.

"She sounds like a keeper. Don't lose her" Steve warned.

Five nodded. He did not intend on loosing Vanya ever. In fact the thought made him shudder.

"Anyway, this is the plan for the rest of the day" Henry started.

Meanwhile Vanya was teaching Leonard how to play simple songs on the violin. He was surprisingly a fast learner. Leonard was very nice to Vanya, and one of the first people she met that weren't her siblings, a talking monkey, or robotic mother.

Time went on and when 4:00 came around, Vanya and Leonard were good friends. Vanya started packing up her things continuing her conversation with Leonard. "I'm serious! I taught myself how to play cause I needed a hobby growing up".

"I can't believe it. Vanya you are truly extraordinary" Leonard said.

"Well, you are a fast learner, I'll come by same time tomorrow" Vanya stated.

Leonard nodded and gave Vanya 100$. Vanya looked down at the bill confused. "I thought you said 50$ for the lesson?".

"Consider the extra 50$ a bonus. You're a real good teacher".

"Thank you Leonard" Vanya said and began to leave.

"May I walk you home?" Leonard interjected.

"Uhhh, sure" Vanya said and the two 'friends' began the walk back to Vanya and Five's apartment.

Wow when I started I didn't think I'd get more than 10 reads, much less 500.

Seriously thank you ☺️


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