Chapter 6- New Life

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Vanya awoke to the sound of rustling in the kitchen. The aroma of bacon, eggs, and toast filled the room.

Five entered the room, holding a tray of breakfast for two.

"Morning Van" Five said and laid down a tray in bed.

"Morning" Vanya responded sleepily and was about grab a slice of toast, til Five retracted the tray away.

"Payment is one kiss" Five said and leaned in smugly.

Vanya raised an eyebrow and kissed her hand and pushed Five's face away from her breakfast.

Five looked both disappointed and impressed with Vanya's wit and gave puppy dog eyes.

Vanya chuckled and leaned in and kissed Five on the lips tenderly.

Five savored the kiss and when she pulled away he pouted. "How did you get all this food?" Vanya asked.

"I woke up early this morning and stocked up on food, I also grabbed a newspaper and I thought we could look at job listings in bed" Five said.

"Oh Five you're so sweet. Thank you" Vanya said.

Five crawled back into bed next to Vanya and starting eating next to her.

After they ate, they laid in bed while staring at the job list page. "What job are you thinking of applying for?" Vanya asked Five.

"I'm thinking working for a construction company, they're looking for new workers" Five responded. "How about you?"

"Private tutor for an aspiring musician, Leonard Peabody? He wants to learn the violin, and it says he's willing to pay a lot for each lesson, this is perfect!" Vanya exclaimed

"Well, let's make some calls and get some jobs" Five said.

That entire afternoon Five and Vanya rearranged furniture to their liking.

As the sunset, Five had a brilliant plan. He turned the radio on to a slow song and grabbed Vanya's hand and lead her to the middle of their living room. The two slow danced as the sun went down.

"Five? How did I get so lucky?" Vanya asked softly as she rested her head against Five's chest as they swayed to the music.

"I should be asking myself that. Vanya, you are so special and I don't know what I did to deserve you in my life" Five said as he rested his head on Vanya's shoulder. He pulled her closer and tighter into his chest, not wanting to let go.

The next day the two woke up and explored the new town they were living in. They both got the jobs they wanted and were gonna start the next day, so they had chill day together.

They walked to a nearby cafe and had a breakfast consisting of coffee and croissants.

Then walked around a park and found a bench where they talked for hours. Five could get lost staring at Vanya's eyes. He loved how unapologetically herself she was around him. The introverted girl that he grew up with was slowly coming out of her shell the further away she was from her past, and he loved it. He adores the way her eyes lit up when talking about music and how passionate she was about it.

Vanya was ecstatic about starting her new job. "But what if he doesn't like me? I've never taught anyone before in my life".

"Vanya come on, this is you we're talking about and besides, if he gives you a hard time then..." Five clutched his hands together and they started glowing.

Vanya's eyes widened and she grabbed her boyfriends hands.

"Five! You know you can't use your powers out in public! We're trying to blend in. Remember?" Vanya scolded.

"You know you're cute when you're mad" Five smirked.

Vanya rolled her eyes when she heard his comment and turned away from him.

Five leaned in toward her and started tickling her and she started laughing.

"FIVE STOP IT HAHAHAH" Vanya yelled through the giggles.

"You know you have a cute laugh too" Five chuckled.

Vanya blushed and looked down. Five put his hand on her chin and motioned it up. He leaned in and kissed her. Which caused Vanya to blush profusely and Five to grin.

The rest of the day consisted of wondering around town, meeting new people, familiarising themselves with their new life, and dinner.

When they arrived back at their apartment they both fell into bed. Five's arm wrapped around Vanya's petite little body as he himself soon drifted into sleep.

Meanwhile, while the couple was having a fun day out and looking for jobs, Harold Jenkins was finalising his plan.

"Have you found out where they are?" he asked his right hand man.

"Yes sir. A small town on the outskirts of Maine. Small population, very low profile" the man responded.

"Perfect. Find me an apartment and a fake ID card with the name Leonard Peabody. Vanya loves music, especially the violin, so get me a violin, and put an ad in their local towns newspaper for a tutor. Remember, we're gonna have to get rid of the boyfriend in order for this plan to work".

Thanks for reading!!
See you all in the next chapter!

P.S I still don't have power and won't have it for a couple days so bare with me if I don't update everyday

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