Chapter 16- Happy Endings

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The next day, Five and Vanya went down to breakfast to meet up with the rest of their family.

They sat down and began eating, with Klaus side eyeing them the entire meal.

"The sexual tension in here is so THICK YALL" Klaus yelled randomly. That caused Ben to choke on his orange juice.

"Number 4! Do not break the no speaking rule at the table" Reginald said.

"No offense DAD, but I think the amount of rules broken in the last 24 hours...speaking is the last thing to think about" Klaus said.

"Speaking of which, me and Vanya are leaving today. We left for a reason and we're not staying" Five said.


"No, we're leaving today. We just want to eat something and say goodbye properly" Vanya said.

The two stood up and went to each of their siblings and hugged them, promising that once they settle for real, they will see them again.

Five and Vanya headed towards the door, when Reginald stood in front of the exit.

Five stepped forward and was about to start yelling, when Vanya put her hand on his shoulder and stepped towards their father.

"Dad, I know you drugged me my entire life to dampen my powers. I know you constantly made me feel lesser than I actually am. But here's thee thing, I'm not afraid of you anymore, I'm not going to let you stand in the way of my happiness or anyone else's" Vanya said and walked around her father.

Reginald just stood there, not moving, he let them pass by him.

Five and Vanya walked down the street a bit before Five stopped them. "Vanya, that was really badass of you".

"Yeah well, it's nothing" Vanya gushed, it was just hitting her what she just did.

Five turned to face her and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm gonna jump back to our house now. Are you ready?"

"Really? Can you even jump that far?" Vanya asked worriedly.

"Vanya, when you were evil, I couldn't bring myself to hurt you, but now that I'm with you I realize I can do anything" Five said and brushed a hair out of her face.

Vanya kissed him and Five pulled her close as he jumped from the street to their familiar living room again.

Vanya looked around and breathed a sigh of relief, she had been longing to go back to her and Five's apartment.

"You did it Five" Vanya said.

Five picked her up and spun her around their living room. "Vanya, I love you so much"

"I love you too"

Luther and Alison shortly ran away together, got married, and started a family.

Ben and Klaus moved out as roommates. Klaus met a man named Dave and finally got to experience what Five and Vanya felt. Ben fell in love with another girl ironically at a seafood restaurant.

Diego got a job at a police station and started dating his partner Patch, they moved in together and Diego still constantly talks with Grace.

Reginald stayed in that large house on his own, continuing his work and studies quietly.

As for Five and Vanya, Five kept his promise with his promise ring and got Vanya real diamond. The two got married and invited their siblings as bridesmaids and groomsmen. Klaus and Alison were the best bridesmaids Vanya could have ever asked for.

Over time, Five and Vanya worked harder at their jobs and moved into a bigger house. Around that time, Vanya said that she was pregnant and Five was over the moon.

They lived a semi secluded life with their growing family (yes they had more than one child) and lived happily together for many years to come.

Oh and Five got a dog and fell in love all over again (I just wanted Five to have a dog cause he seems like a dog person).


Thank you all for you're votes, comments, reads, ands support. Over 2k reads is crazy and I can't even believe it.

I'm brainstorming some more Five x Vanya stories so if I don't update or something for a while it's cause I'm either thinking of stories or writing.

Feel free to comment below Five x Vanya stories cause I'm not creative.

Also this is the longest story I've ever written, coming in at 12,191 words.

I dedicate this story to the person who inspired me to post my stories in the first place. Thank you.

See you all in the next story 💖


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