Chapter 7- What could go wrong?

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Five woke up to the feeling of someone gently shaking him awake, his reflexes kicked in and his eye's widened and grabbed Vanya's wrists tightly.

"Ouch, Five?" Vanya asked clearly scared.

"Vanya? I'm so sorry!" Five said horrified and retracted his hand away. He buried his face in his hands.

"Five, it's okay. I'm fine" Vanya reassured him and pulled his hands away from his face.

"Vanya, I hurt you, because of our messed up childhood I can't even be woken up" Five said holding Vanya's hands.

"Five, it's only the first week of us living a new life. We will adjust sooner or later. Now come on sleepyhead, get up, shower, and get dressed, today's the first day of our new jobs" Vanya said.

Five noticed that all Vanya was wearing was a towel and he grabbed her and pulled her into bed.

"Fiveeeeeee, we have work today" Vanya whined trying to get out of her boyfriends grasp.

"No, I don't want to, I want to stay in bed with you" Five said.

Vanya crawled on top of Five and looked down at him. She leaned down and kissed Five on the lips, he reciprocated and turned Vanya on to the other side so he was on top. He ran one hand through her hair and the other hand down Vanya's leg.

She wrapped her arms around Five's neck and pulled him closer to her. "Five, we have to go" Vanya moaned.

"No Vanya, let's stay here all day" Five moaned back.

"No Five" Vanya said and got out of bed, much to Five's disappointment. Vanya adjusted herself and tried to brush her hair out.

"Go shower Five. If you go to work today, I'll give you a treat" Vanya said.

"What kind of treat?" Five asked getting out of bed.

"You'll have to wait til tonight" Vanya winked and went to go get dressed.

Five shook his head in humor and went to go take a shower.

By the time Five got out of of the shower, Vanya was wearing ripped jeans, a white camisole, and brown sandals. Her hair was tied up behind her face.

"Here" Vanya passed Five a black tank top and jeans.

"I'll be at this address pretty much all day. I'll have my phone on me as well. I'll be done at 4:00 pm and wait for you here"

"What time do I end?" Five asked as he put his tank top on.

"6:30 pm" Vanya responded, fixing herself in the mirror, then walked off into the kitchen. Five closely followed.

"So you'll be alone for 2 and a half hours?" Five asked concerned.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine" Vanya responded nonchalantly and turned on the coffee maker and grabbed 2 mugs.

"I'm not sure about that Van, we don't know anyone here and we haven't inserted a security system yet and-"

"Five. Why on earth would we need a security system?" Vanya asked with her arms crossed.

"Well, it's not an impossible thought for people to find out who we are. I put people in prison Vanya, bad people, they could come after us, after you" Five said and put his hands on Vanya's shoulders.

"Five, I'll be fine. Plus, I could as Leonard to stay here until you get back" Vanya said with her eyebrow raised.

"Absolutely not! I mean-, no you're right, I'm probably just being paranoid. Just text me when you get back okay?" Five corrected himself.

Vanya embraced Five and gave him a reassuring smile. "Five, come on, we live in a secluded town where no one knows who we are trying to build a life for ourselves. What could go wrong?"

"Yeah you're right Van. I'll see you at 6:30. I love you" Five said and kissed Vanya on the cheek.

"Hey wait up!" Vanya cried after Five who turned around. She passed him mug of coffee, black, his favourite. Five was about to grab it when her hand retracted.

"Payment. One kiss" she smirked.
Five grinned and pulled Vanya in for a kiss.

When they finally pulled away Vanya blushed and handed Five his coffee. He happily grabbed it and waved to Vanya as he left.

As Five walked his car to drive to the construction site he thought to himself.

Vanya's right, it's just me being paranoid and protective. What could go wrong?


My power is still out so ya girls got no wifi. BUT I have so many chapters lined up, so hopefully I made up for that.

Also thank you for over 1K reads on Training Gone Wrong. I really appreciate it THANK YOU💖💕💖💕


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