Chapter 14- Final Battle pt 2

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Five and Vanya stood face to face. Both of their eyes fixated on the other, and both eyes conveying that they didn't want to hurt one another.

Five bolted forward with his powers glowing blue from his hands. Vanya did the same, except with white glowing at her fingertips. They punched and everytime they made contact with each other, blue and white sparks erupted from their hands.

Vanya used her white streams and threw Five off the infamous statue. He concentrated and teleported right behind her. Five closed his eyes as he blasted her from behind.

This caused Vanya to scream in pain and be blasted across the floor. Five rushed over to his unconscious girlfriend and lifted her head towards his. "Vanya? I'm so sorry. Please don't-".

Before Five could even finish his sentence Vanya's eyes opened wide and glowed white. She swiftly got out of his grasp and used her white streams to wrap around Five, so he couldn't use his powers. He grunted as Vanya's streams held him tighter and tighter.

"Good Vanya good. Now kill him" Harold said, struggling to stand.

"Kill...him?" Vanya said, trying focus more. Her powers were starting to take over her mind.

"Vanya, come on, you don't really want to kill me" Five pleaded.

Vanya's eyebrows furrowed. She was confused. Her mind wanted to kill Five, but her heart was saying another thing.

Vanya held up a ball of white energy, aiming right to Five's chest. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

Vanya pulled her hand back and shot the ball of energy, and it whizzed past Five's ear right towards Harold.

It hit him square in the chest and he was pushed back. Vanya lowered Five down to the ground near his unconscious siblings. He watched in awe as Vanya glowed brighter than ever. She walked over towards a shocked Harold.

"Vanya wait-" Five started, but she crafted a force field to separate her and Harold from the rest of the world. Five pounded on the shield and tried transporting inside it, but nothing worked. At this point the rest of the siblings started waking up and began pounding on the shield with him.

Vanya turned to face Harold. "You're right about some things Harold. My entire life I was told I was worthless. My father figure drugged me everyday and surpassed my true self. I was lied to, cheated of my actual abilities, but you were wrong about one thing. I was never alone. Grace, Pogo, my siblings, and Five. They were there for me, especially Five. I would rather die than kill my family" Vanya said.

At that statement Five started pounding on the shield as hard as he could. "Vanya! Stop please! Don't" Five begged. She turned to face her frantic boyfriend.

"I'm sorry Five, for everything. But know this, I love you" she smiled tears in her eyes.

Five shook his head and pressed his face against the shield, which wasn't breaking, no matter how hard he or his siblings tried.

Vanya turned to face Harold, her expression changing. She created a ball of energy, bigger and brighter than ever before. She closed her eyes and let the ball get bigger and bigger. White energy swarmed all around the shield creating a bright light, that caused Five and the rest of the Umbrella Academy to look away, followed by a large boom.

When Five looked back where his girlfriend stood, he just saw dust in the air. It started raining and that caused the dust to clear.

"Vanya? Vanya? Can you hear me? GUYS SPREAD OUT" He cried.

The siblings split up and starting looking through Debris. Lither and Ben found an unconscious Harold. Alison searched through piles of rock and screamed. "Five! Guys! Over here, help me move these rocks!" she cried.

Five ran over and he and Luther started pulling rocks off a familiar body. Vanya lied there, eyes closed. Her white clothes no longer white, now stained with dust and some blood stains.

He pulled her forehead to touch his, then leaned his ear to her chest, trying to find any trace of a heartbeat.

He pushed hair out of her face and pressed his forehead against hers, tears streaming down his face. Alison, Diego, Luther, Ben, and Klaus hung their heads down low at their fallen sister.

Five cradled Vanya's limp body in his arms. "Van, I'm so sorry. I love you too" he whispered and kissed her on the lips.

The tears that Five shed landed on Vanya's cheek and started to glow white. White streams started surrounding Vanya in Five's arms and glowed bright again.

Five closed his eyes and looked away, then looked back at Vanya. Then something amazing happened.

She opened her eyes.

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