Chapter 13- Final Battle pt 1

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Luther sprang forward at Vanya attempting to tackle her down. Vanya dodged his attack and pushed him back with force. That didn't stop him as he charged forward and did manage to get a hit on her, which only angered her more. She lifted her hands up as if she was conducting an orchestra and Luther went flying across the floor and hit his head, which knocked him out.

"Luther!" Alison cried as she ran over to the now unconscious leader. "Vanya how could you?"

"How could I? How could you rumor me? Your own sister. You knew how that man treated me and you just stood by his side"

"Vanya I-he-, listen I don't remember rumoring you-"

That just made Vanya even angrier as she moved her arms around and white streams went down to strike as if they were snakes going after their prey.


"No, what I meant is I'm sorry for all the pain I and he caused you. I really want to start rebuilding our sister relationship" Alison pleaded.

"...You're 18 years too late, sis" Vanya sneered.

Alison hung her head down in defeat as she turned to Klaus and nodded.

The two started a duo attack, standing on either side of the White Violin. Klaus was getting ready summon the dead, while Alison was creeping up behind her.

"I heard a rumor...that-" before Alison could even finish her mind control, a flying Klaus came crashing on her. Vanya had used one of her magic streams to pick him up and throw him across the floor. The two landed near a still unconscious Luther.

Diego got three knifes out from his belt and threw each one of them at Vanya. They were coming from all different directions. Vanya created a shield around her and the knives stopped midair around her. She closed her eyes and the knifes changed directions and headed towards Diego. He jumped out of the way, only for Vanya to hit him with another magic force and knocked him out to where the rest of his siblings were unconscious.

It was Ben and Five vs Vanya. These three were the closest out of all the siblings.

"Vanya I don't want to fight you" Ben pleaded.

"Ben, I'm sorry, but this is the only way" Vanya said and her magical streams got ready to strike.

Ben lifted his shirt and his own tentacles came out to fight. There was a giant battle. Squid tentacles vs magical streams. Both magic users loosing energy as they fought. The tentacles and streams were wrestling each other in mid air, but Vanya seemed to have the upper hand. She blasted a magic ray right at Ben and knocked him out cold where all of his other defeated siblings were.

There stood Five and Vanya 2 former friends and former lovers.

"Vanya look around! Do you really want to destroy the world?" Five yelled.

"Harold says-"

"Forget Harold! Forget our poisonous family! Just come back to me please" Five begged.

"I-I can't do that Five. I am going to end the world" Vanya hesitated and looked at Harold, who nodded.

Five immediately jumped to Harold and punched him across the face. "You did this you bastard! You come into our lives. Threaten my girlfriend. Kidnap her. And then brainwash her!".

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't your father and sister brainwash her!?" Harold yelled back. Five was silent, as much as he hated to admit it, Harold was right.

Five used his powers on Harold to knock him out so it was just him and Vanya.

"Vanya, I don't want to fight you, but I also can't let you destroy the world"

Vanya chuckled. "Five, you're too late, it's already done. The end of the world is coming"

"Then I'll have to stop you" Five said, and powered up his hands.

Vanya stopped levitating and went back to the ground, eyes still glowing.

The final battle would begin. Number 5 verses Number 7.

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