Chapter 3- Mystery Man

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"Well Harold, whoever you are you're gonna go away for a very long time" Luther said.

"Fine. Take me" Harold said and held out his hands in front of him.

Luther happily started walking over to Harold, when Ben stopped him.

"Why is he giving up so easily? We don't know what he's planning. I don't like this" Ben stammered.

"Ben, you're always paranoid about these things. For once, we have an easy villain to take care of" Diego said.

"I think we should put it to a vote. All in favor of brining they guy in" Luther said.

Alison, Klaus, Luther, and Diego raised their hands.

"All in favor of not bringing the guy in" Luther asked.

Ben raised his hand and everyone looked at Five, who hadn't voted.

"Five, come on just vote so we can go home" Diego pressed.

"Uhh fine, just put him away, I don't like anything he's saying" Five said, clearly not paying any attention.

Ben sighed and Luther went over to Harold and handcuffed him. He walked over the nearby police man and handed him over.

"Sorry sir, the prison is full. We are in the process of making more room for new prisoners, for now, you're gonna have to keep him with you" the officer said.

Luther argued at first, but then walked back to his siblings and explained what happened.

"We cannot have a prisoner in our own house are you crazy Luther?!" Five said.

"It's fine. We'll just lock him up down in the basement and keep him there until the prison has more space" Luther reassured.

Five and Ben were both hesitant but were outvoted, so they brought Harold back to the academy.


Vanya was waiting at the main entrance inside as usual. She had medical training from Grace and always stood there and waited for her siblings as they returned from missions, just in case there were any injuries.

Five popped in and she ran over to him. "Hey Five! You okay? I have some-"

"Don't freak out, but there's a criminal coming in because there's no room left in a prison and he somehow knows about you and everything about us" Five quickly explained.

"Wait what? How? No one knows I exist" Vanya said confusingly.


Just then the rest of the siblings entered with Harold Jenkins handcuffed and Luther and Diego held him tightly.

Vanya stood there staring at Harold as he walked by. For a moment they all stood there in the entrance.

"So, this is the infamous Vanya Hargreeves. Wow, I don't get why they keep you locked up in here. You're way too pretty to be stuck inside" Harold spoke.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's enough of that, get him out of here" Five said protectively.

"Don't worry Vanya, we'll have our fun soon" Harold smirked before being sent off down to a holding chamber in the basement.

After he said that Vanya squeezed her palms together, there was something about this guy that made her skin crawl. Five instantly grabbed Vanya's hand to reassure her.

That night at dinner, Vanya never looked up from her plate, Five could tell something was wrong. After dinner she quietly went back to her room and shut the door. Five closely followed and teleported inside.

"Five? What are you doing in here?" Vanya asked.

"Checking up on you. You seemed off all day ever since that Harold Jenkins came." Five responded.

"Sorry, it's just that, something about that guy creeps me out. Well everything creeps me out about him, but he just seems off, and what he said about me-" Vanya ranted.

"Don't worry about him, I promise he not gonna do anything to you. I won't let him hurt you" Five said.

Vanya leaned him and hugged him, she felt better, but there was still something that bugged her.

"Now, clear that Harold Jenkins out of your mind cause we are never gonna see him again" Five said.

"Oh yeah. I'm so excited, we're finally gonna get out of this place, just the two of us" Vanya said.

"Yes, just the two of us"

Meanwhile down in the basement Harold Jenkins was in a cell, but eerily smiling.

"Don't worry Vanya, soon it will be just the two of us. You will soon see what we are capable of together".

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