8| The Plan

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She thought about it the whole way back in the car, so that by the time they arrived outside the gambling den, Mollie May had a plan.

"I need a few of your guys." Tommy glanced at her and nodded. No questions asked, just his complete trust. "There should be a few at Charlie's yard." That's where she headed first.

At Charlie's yard, she gathered together four men from the six working there. The first guy, William, was in his late twenties and had an athletic build, blonde curly hair which was cut short and dusty grey eyes. He was missing his trigger finger too. Frank was a tall, slim man with dark hair and blue eyes, in his late forties, Mollie May guessed. Finally, there were two brothers, twins. They both had brown eyes and dark brown hair. They must have been about eighteen. Jesse, the smaller of the two, had curly hair and an anxious look plastered on his face whereas Jack, had straight hair and a cold, hard stare.

They had lined up in front of Mollie May and she looked them up and down, studying them, her eyes flicking from one to another. "Ok..." she started. "You're going to help me with a job I got. Tommy's orders." Frank smirked, a small laugh escaped his lips as he in turn, studied the woman in front of him.

He took in her small form before meeting her ice blue eyes. "You want us to listen to you?" he questioned. William nudged him warningly.

Mollie May stepped up to him with narrowed blazing eyes. Her face inches from his. Frank looked down at her easily, but only to be met with an expression he'd never seen anywhere before. "Listen to me carefully." She spoke lowly, "You can either do this with me, or hand in your peaky caps and find some other way to pay the rent."

He stepped back. Her voice hadn't risen above a whisper the whole time, but her voice held a scary authority.

"Good. We're going to surveil a house for the next two weeks." She passed around a photograph which had been cut from a newspaper, "We'll meet up on Thursday after I get a layout of the house and then we can discuss the plan. Meeting is at four o'clock sharp at my office."

She looked around at the lads again and a thought struck her.

"Do any of you have a wife or a girlfriend?" She was met by an icy silence as the men glared at her. She scanned their eyes, searching of any sign of a crack in their facades. She found it in William.

Her eyes locked onto his as she asked the question again, he sighed, his icy glare broken. An anxious look crept onto his face as he nodded.

"I have a girlfriend." Mollie May nodded, her expression softening. "Any children?" "She's expecting."

"I need her help for this too."

"No. No, absolutely not." His face dropping. He walked towards her slowly, his grey eyes pleading.


"She won't come to any harm. I promise."

On still seeing his face creased in worry, she repeated, "I promise." And a half-hearted smile spread across her face before she turned and walked away.

Four o'clock on Thursday came quickly. Everyone had gathered in Mollie May's dark little office. She sat behind her desk, studying the layout of the Field Marshal's house, her chin resting in her hand.

The two twins, Jesse and Jack, had arrived first and where now standing by the filing cabinet by the door. Jack leaning on it, scrunching paper in his hand, Jesse standing awkwardly beside it, picking his nails. With a look of disgrace from Jack, Jesse stopped.

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