10| An Emergency

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Three days after the last one, another family meeting was called. Everyone was already gathered and Tommy was making his way to the den to join them. Plans were being made to find Mollie May.

Michael was out of prison, thanks to Pol and John was going to see Arthur tomorrow to tell him they had a plan to get him out of jail too.

It was dark as Tommy made his way past the Garrison and past the drunks laughing and staggering around in the street. One woman leaned against the wall, one hand holding her stomach, the other gripped the wall tightly.

"Tommy," she breathed.

Tommy turned abruptly to face the woman who was now on her knees. He leaned down to see her tear-streaked face and cursed in shock when he recognised Mollie May. She grabbed his arm tightly with a bloody hand and stumbled into him.

He picked her up in his arms and carried her quickly towards the den. She hissed as her right arm was pushed against him. "Tommy," her voice was quiet as she breathed heavily, her head pressed against Tommy's coat. "Tommy, I'm sorry." He hushed her and continued towards the house, reassuring her that she would be okay.

He burst through the door.

"Clear the table. Quickly!" he yelled. John jumped up from his chair, his eyes wide. Polly cursed; her hand flew to her mouth. The table was tipped and everything slid off. Finn ran from the corner of the room to help. Michael got up from his chair, startled but too tired to do anything for his friend.

Tommy laid Mollie May down on the table. "Somebody go get Jeremiah. Quickly!" He looked around the room, his eyes landing on Finn. "Finn, run. Get Jeremiah." Finn nodded, and ran off.

Polly was kneeling at Mollie May's side, gently stroking her hair. Her sobs filled the room and tears continued to flow down her face. Tommy quickly found the bullet wound in her left side. He cut away her dress and pressed the cloth John had given him to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

She yelled when the cloth touched her side, inhaling sharply as Tommy put pressure on it. John clasped her hand as he pulled a chair over to the table, squeezing her hand gently, rubbing small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

They all watched her as they waited for Finn to return with Jeremiah. The minutes felt like agonising hours. She shut her eyes tightly and kept sucking in air while the Shelby's talked to her slowly. They told her she was doing great. That she was going to be okay. That they all missed her. That Finn would be back soon. She half smiled; half sobbed as they talked.

The pain was boiling. Like nothing she had ever felt before. She could feel the bullet squished inside her, all she wanted to do was pull it out.

Her head started to spin and she thought she could feel the table tipping from right to left beneath her. She tried to hold on to the edge of the table with her right hand, but when she moved her wrist, more pain shot up her arm and into her shoulder. She could feel herself sinking down into the table, the blinding pain now white hot.

She was going to be sick.

"I'm going to be sick. I'm going to throw up." she cried. Polly ran from her side. Mollie May prised her eyes opened to see Pol disappear into the kitchen. She looked at John with wide eyes but he smiled at her reassuringly, with the same sweet smile he always had. "Here, you're okay. You're alright." he nodded to her.

The whole room tilted on its side as Mollie May sat up on her elbow. She gripped the table again as her gaze dropped to the floor, unable to hold her head up. The slanted floor and she squeezed her eyes shut, sweat dripping off her forehead.

Tommy and John rushed to keep her upright, both watching her pale features with concerned eyes. She didn't look good at all. John slid away from her as she threw up onto the floor, Tommy trying to hold her shoulders while not getting sick on himself.

Polly came back with a basin, sighed and put it down when she seen the sick on the floor. She took Mollie May out of Tommy's arms and laid her back down, fixing her hair out of her face.

Finn, Jeremiah and Isiah appeared through the family room door seconds later. Jerimiah went straight to Tommy to see what had happened. Finn and Isiah stopped at the door to take in the scene.

Mollie May was lying on the table, very pale and covered in sweat and blood. John was cursing now as he tried to wipe the sick of his trousers and shoes. Pol was still sitting with Mollie, a smirk on her face as she watched John struggle. And Michael. Well Michael hadn't left his chair in the corner, mesmerised by the whole thing.

Finn took John's place by Mollie May's side. She looked up at him with teary eyes and took his hand in her bloody one. She smiled sadly at him as he watched her, unsure of what to do.

Jeremiah took out his forceps and poured a bit of whiskey over it. "You might want to hold her down." Jeremiah looked to Tommy who nodded and took hold of her wrist, Polly the other, but released it quickly when Mollie whimpered.

John stood at her knees. "Finn, get out of here." "What! No, I'm not leaving her!" He yelled back at Tommy. Before Tommy could answer, Jeremiah pushed the forceps into her side to find the bullet. She screamed out and bent her knee to try and kick away Jeremiah. She hit John's nose and he staggered back holding his nose, cursing.

"Finn, Isiah hold her down!" Tommy shouted at them and they rushed to grab her legs. "Someone give her a drink of whiskey or something." "She's just been sick; it'll never stay in her stomach." Polly told Jeremiah.

Polly continued to talk to Mollie who went still, her eyes screwed shut as the forceps went deeper into her side. She hissed quietly, trying not to make too much noise. A few seconds later, Jeremiah produced the bullet from her side and put it in a glass.

"This is going to hurt." Jeremiah warned her as he tipped the remains of a whiskey bottle over her side. A horse cry ripped through her lips and filled the whole room. John was over by her side in an instant, his bleeding nose forgotten about as he pressed his head against hers, hushing her quietly.

Everybody slowly let go of Mollie May, Polly going to get her sewing kit to stitch up the wound. Tommy slumped down into the chair by the table and rubbed his forehead with his bloody hands. Finn moved to stand where Tommy had been and gently took hold of her hand.

She was still sobbing quietly but her tears weren't flowing as fast now. She heard Pol come back with a glass of water, pills and her sewing kit. She tenderly helped Mollie May sit up to swallow the pills and then took out a needle to sew up the wound.

Somebody told Finn to go and get her a new set of clothes but she didn't know who. Her vision was getting darker as her eyes closed. She listened to everybody talk around her and focused on John's breaths on her ear.

She felt drained. Exhausted. A wave of tiredness swept over her whole. Rest looked like an angel that would give her body time to heal. 

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