Wrong number who dis?

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So this is a new fic :3 i will update the other one i just really wanted to make this-

=Peters POV=
I was walking by the lockers with MJ and Ned when MJ decided to give us her number so we could talk more. (which i appreciate) I figured i should make sure the number works before realising it might have been fake, what? it seems like something MJ would do...

*time skip brought to you by HYDRA :D*

hello MJ!

Wrong number,
who dis?

MJ? are you playing games?
is this actually not you?
Who is this?

Um...why should i
tell you that? for all
i know you could be
faking who you are.

*le gasp* why would i
Peter Parker fake who
i am?

you realise you just told me
your name. i could get my friend to
track you and find out who you are.

please don't! that's an invasion
of privacy! Oh have you
seen the time i gotta go-
but what's your name you
know mine it's only fair

i'm not giving you my name
you ACCIDENTALLY gave me yours
so yeah.

fine i'll give you one...
you can be....
ms/mr spy

Ms. Spy
i' m female so ms
and don't you have homework
to do you what are you? 15?




SORRY- but i need to go
cya ms. spy! :D

Natashas POV
I looked at the message and started thinking in who this kid is, "Hey, Tony!" i shouted. "Yeah? what ya need?" he asked. I went to his lab and told him about the conversation he had with, peter.

After 30 minutes he got some information on him 'Peter Parker, 15 years old, lives with his aunt May, Parents died in a plane crash, his uncle Ben shot by a mugger. Wow, this boy has been through some tough shit. "Thanks tony." i said
"No problem Nat, this kid has been through some stuff... Hey do you think i can have his number as well? Since i kinda know who he is as well" After Tony said that i gave him his number, after i left i swear he went to message him.

Tony's POV
I debated whether i should message the kid, eventually i decided i would.

Hello, Peter!

who is this? ARE YOU

what? NO!
i'm not a pedo NOR a kidnapper
your strange kid... I'm friends with
Ms. Spy.

OH but that's exactly what
a pedo would say ( ~*-*)~

well i'm not a pedo.
nor a kidnapper that's that...

i'm going to name you
Mr. Kidnapper :D
bye bye mr. Kidnapper
i got school stuff to do!


A/N sorry it's terrible i will make the next one longer and better 😔

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