The bachelorette party : is it??

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I took a deep breathe and entered the club. I could smell the alcohol and sweaty people dancing. Okay, i still have the chance the leave.

"D... do you really think u could just ditch me on my bachelorette party....then let me make it clear u cannot"

why do i have to get caught.

"..i was looking for u since an hour and it's good u wore this dress i sent u....or i would have killed u"

now i have another thing to dread about

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now i have another thing to dread about...this idiotic dress....

"u know me well.. i am not a party kinda girl..still i came for wearing this not-so-comfortable dress"

"But u look hot...thank me ...maybe u will be able to get some d**k tonight....aahh why hitting me girl"

"u definately deserve this..i am not looking for any kind of hook up or anything"

"then girl u should.....u have been single for such a long time i can"t even remember it"

"soon to be mrs. No it's just 6's not a big deal."

"ohh come on... how are u controlling ur hormones i can't even stay without your jiju for a week"

"that's because u are horny i am not"

"there is no winning with u , i should not even try....come parth is waiting for us"


So my idiot bestie is getting married in a weeks and i still can't understand. why would anyone want to get married at 23.

"hey D!!!...i missed u girl . U look different" he said with his wicked smile.

"chup reh.(shut up) I am already irritated."

"Guys we should dance....agle hafte meri shadi hai aaj azaadi hai"

Both parth and me rolled our eyes at her stupid cheezy bollywood lines.

"U both go and dance. i am going to have a drink"

"madam idhar dudh ke saath bourvita nahi milta"(u won't get milk and bourvita here)

"u know what just #Fo i am going "

I went towards the bar and sat on the chair.

"can u give me any non alcoholic drink"
he bartender nodded.

A man came and sat next to me but i am not able to see his face due to this dim light .

"one martini please"

Damm...He has got a pretty nice voice.
he turned towards me and said
"well thanks"

did i said it out loud

"yeah u did it again"

" mam ur drink"


I took a sip and said to him
"you have got a nice voice i must say"

"well most people say so"

i sighed " cocky much"

"one gets used to it & it's not bad to accept things that are true and what u want, right ."

Oh noooooo not today God please noy now , fu*k


fuck my allergy

"excuse me achiiii where is the achiii washroom achiiii"

"sorry mam washrooms are getting renovated"

achiiii. ....god i can't breath.

"I have a room u can come there if u want"

i looked at the man and nodded.
"yes please"


i grabbed me pursed and went with him...well this may not be the best idea to go with a stranger but i really can't tolerate this.what if he is a murdered or something...


He opened the door and showed me the washroom....

i washed my face....

Diya take deep breathes

breathe in..
breathe out...
breathe in....
breathe out.....

I opened the door knob...
Mr. cocky was standing there facing toward the other side...nice butt stupid Diya...

"thank u for letting me use ur room Mr.?"

He turned around and fuck.....he's hot...and by hot i mean stop-breathing-hot.

"kim..Mr. kim tae....."

" Thank u Mr.Kim"

"Ur dress is wet. i u want a drier."

how come i did't notice it...

"'s fine"

He moved towards me and raised his hand and touched my face..which made me shut my eyes..

"ur eyes are swollen"

"hmm.." I bit my inner lower lip and opened my eyes.....i could feel he was standing just few centimeters away....


He cursed and the next thing I new was a pair of soft lips were pressed against mine.

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One night stand :Kim Taehyung KTH (Bts)Where stories live. Discover now