my dream proposal

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I woke up early and went to the balcony.....the sun was rising, cold winds were blowing which gave me goosebumps...And I felt his warm hands wrapped around me....his chin resting on my shoulder and face touching mine....Isn't it way too romantic... now all I need is

"I am sleepy....why do you always leave the bed this early..." of course..he is always sleepy..this is definitely what I do not need...

"I like waking up early.. and mornings before sunrise are best..."

"I stopped listening after I like...let's sleep...."

"you go and sleep..let me stay here."

"I want to are soft..." he whined half asleep..

"okay..fine.." who can resist tae being a baby....

We went to the bed and he slept again cuddling me and I texted nandini...I won't sleep again..

(9:30 am)

when will he wake up...he is such a sleepyhead..


"hmm" I said in his sleep..

"wake up..."



"what will you do for me???" I didn't knew that he answers in sleep..

"whatever you want..."

"promise me first..."

"promise..." as if he'll remember...

He opened his eyes and grinned at me..and I was trying to understand what just happened.. he fooled me..

"Do you really think I can sleep when you texting with a this speed and with that sound of your keypad..." he smirked...."so..what will you do for me..??"

" leave me I want to take a shower..."

"Nice can help me bathe...."

"And why would I do that..."

"because you promised... and I didn't take you as a person who breaks promises.."

"let's negotiate then.."

"seduce me..."

"what?????i won't do that..." Is he crazy????

"You have to...I am not saying that do it today...whenever you feel comfortable...but the earlier the best."

"I'll think about it..." As if I will do it..he'll forget vaout it soon enough..

"I won't forget..." he winked at me..

"I am going for a shower now.."

"you can always ask me to join.."

I came out..and he was talking to someone in his phone hanged up when he saw me...


"No...It was my hyungs...actually there is some kind of a party that I have to attend some preparation are to be done..."

"okay then...we should leave right.."

"let's have breakfast then we'll leave and you are also invited..."

"why me???"

"You'll get bored alone..and it's some sort of a programe you may like it..."

I hummed, we ate our breakfast and we went back to our was a 3 hour drive..his back must hurt...I asked him to let me drive but he denied..and now he also has a party to attend...He dropped me home and went to the venue. He said he had to check something....and I crashed on my bed and slept..I was really tired because of the drive and yesterday's outing.....
The doorbell rang waking me up and i opened the door..there was a parcel for me...I went inside and my phone started ringing...

One night stand :Kim Taehyung KTH (Bts)Where stories live. Discover now