His side of story

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(Taehyung's pov)

Today was jiwook's engagement but I was not able to attend it due to my dance practice.. I can still attend the after party or he'll kill me for sure....I dressed up and went to the venue....He was marrying an Indian.. I haven't met her but I am still shocked that his mom agreed to this without making any fuss... good for him.

I entered the hall and there was some kind of music playing which i have never heard of....wait.. my eyes...what is he trying to do.???..I never saw this..but jiwook sure looks funny..
I never knew love can make you do such things.. of course I have been in love I have dated but I never went to such an extent.

the music stopped and the lights on the stage went dim and then I heard a girl's voice. Why being so dramatic???

my bestest friend... Congratulations on your engagement. I am not good at speeches and no one knows that better than you 'high school flashback'..

she must be her high school sweetheart but why is she in the dim light...

I am really very happy for you and jiwook....Now I don't have to handle your craziness all by myself.... I know your dreams about your wedding but now that you chose to have a Korean wedding 'no offense' . I respect your decisions but I have the right to fulfill your wedding bucket list..
All those who are thinking what the hell is going on I am sorry but you have to tolerate this....

i could see some sighing and some were laughing on her comments....

Thank you for co-opertating with us jiwook cause I also have some dreams for my best friend's wedding and I was not letting them go down the drain even if you denied.
It's good to know that you love her the way we do cause handling her craziness is not everyone's cup of tea....
I love you meri jaan."

ohh boy this is something else.....this is the reason I can't get girls....first she is thanking him and now she is saying his opinion didn't matter.And now again she is praising him....

And the music started playing again. The light were on and I could she her she wore something I have never seen before..I haven't even heard this song.
I don't get the steps but I can tell she was enjoying herself..she was in perfect synronization with the beats..Then the same boy joined her and they were dancing together..
I never saw such a combination of expression in 5 minutes.. She looks so bubbly and cute and beautiful...Her smile never left her lips which is making my heart race...Is this what love at first sight feels like.. this is way too fast to conclude...

i could now see jiwook and his fiance now...and her fiance started whistling. This is definitely weird for me.. maybe this was the craziness she was talking about....She then suddenly came down and took her friends somewhere...
I went to jiwook...

"hey bro..congrats...and whatever you did there was pretty amazing" I tried to sound convincing.

"how bad it was...tell me honestly.????."

"pretty bad, but it's fine your finance must have liked it but why would she leave...I wanted to meet her.."

"her friend tooks her to change."

"change what??"

"Her dress ....You know she is Indian right" he paused and I nodded.
"but we are not having any Indian ceremony so her friends arranged this."

"you mean that girl.."

"yeah D and the boy Parth..they came to me 1 week ago and they were like we have planned something for Nandini will you help us. I was in deep thoughts after listening to there plan because of my dancing when she got irritated and started giving me a lecture that I don't love her, i don't desreve her etc.etc. and I really got scared seeing her like that....So parth saved me from her wrath and he taught me dancing while she arranged the dress for her and the other things..."

"but....she seemed sweet..."

"trust me she is scary dude...but she did all of this for Nandini so it was bearable..."

"good for you dude.."

then he excused himself and went to the stage with his fiance...her dress seemed heavy...and the jewellery.. Must have cost her a fortune.. I haven't seen girls doing such things for anyone not even for themselves...they ask their boyfriends to buy them stuff..even the girls I dated were no exception..

And now I am eager meet that girl who made my heart race and gave jiwook a heart attack...

then I saw her leaving so I followed her.....She went inside the room and I was about to enter the room when I bumped into someone. They recognized me and asked for a picture...After that I went to the room when I heard her talking to someone.

"D....we should give it a try....please"
a boy said to her..

"I tried...but I can't do this...and I am not good enough for you..and it's been years..why are you doing this now.." I could tell that the were in a relationship..

"you are perfect for me...I want us to  get back ..I will give you anything and everything you want"

"I don't love you nor i have feelings for you....earlier I thought that our friendship would be enough for our relationship but I can't meet your expectations....I don't want to hurt you or waste you time on me . you will find someone who will love you  "

"this is because of your ex right that guy you dated during your high school."

"I don't want to talk about it."

" why can't you date me...eventually you will date someone so why can't you date me."

"I won't date anyone....I don't trust anyone enough to date them...I don't love anyone enough to take a chance..i won't even in future..
And I don't need a man to give me or buy me anything I am capable enough.
now if you will excuse me.."

I hid behind the curtain while she stormed out....She is definitely bipolar..
A few minutes ago she was smiling and laughing and now she was frowning and what was this I won't date anyone fuss all about...why does my heart attacked

One night stand :Kim Taehyung KTH (Bts)Where stories live. Discover now