strip that down

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Nandini returned from her honeymoon and cause tae had his interview I am free to meet her today....She asked me to reach at the cafe near our house and I am waiting for her for the last 15 minutes...I was about to leave when she came and hugged me while apologizing...

"This is not fair. I told you everything about me honeymoon almost everything yesterday but you didn't tell me anything about you and taehyung..."

"there was nothing to tell.." I said trying to avoid her question..

"You better tell me everything or I'll never talk to you ever again.."

And then I told her what happened and she was smiling like a fool the whole time....

"So you are dating a hottie.."

"and you are married..."

"Let's go for shopping..."


"I am married...I have to spice things up right or it will get boring..So come with me..."

Then we went to shopping...she just bought everything she laid her eyes on..and threw some at me to try .why and how am I friends with her...and at last she took me to a lingerie I have to deal with this too...Who the fuck buys 10 lingeries together and why??...I best friends does cause she is a sex maniac... I just sighed at her... She tried them and asked me my opinion. This is too much...

"Try this.." She gave me one..

"never...I am not going to try it.."

"Come on..please this is for hiding things from me about your boyfriends or i'll never talk to you"
why do people keep on blackmailing me...

I went inside the changing room and wore it..I look fine actually hot..

"show me..." why is she so impatient..
and eager to see me...

"see..happy now..." I opened the door and she was smiling widely with a phone in her hand and was she clicking my she crazy...and I closed the door and changed....

" me your phone.."

"I am buying that for you..."

"Don't change the me your phone..." She gave me her phone and there were no I passed her phone back...

Then we ate something and watched a movie and I reached home at 7..
I opened the door and he was already sitting on the sofa... and I hid my bag behind me..

" are back.." I smiled at him...

"this was not funny Diya..."

"what wasn't funny..."

"were you teasing me today...I didn't ask you to seduce me over phone"

"sorry I can't process what you are saying..."

And then he scrolled his phone and showed me a photo.."you send this to me in the middle of the don't even know how hard**...... uncomfortable the I was the whole time after that"

"I didn't send this.." I took my phone and checked it...fuck you Nandini.. fuck those bestfriend phone covers she didn't click my photo from her phone...she clicked it from my phone and send it to him..She'll die before she get the chance to wear those 10 lingeries she bought...

"you send this to me see....and now you are lying..."

"I didn't send this my friends did..."

"who??? that guy...." he asked with a horrified expression..


"whatever..I don't care.....seduce me now.."

"what...why are you crazy???..."

"No..I am horny for you.."

"I am tired....please drop this topic atleast for now..."

"I won't forgive you for this.. and I have to tell you something..."


"we have to go to America for some promotions so I have to leave in 2 days for 2 weeks..."

"ohhhh.....I understand..." I said with a smile..

"I am sorry..I proposed you yesterday and now I have to leave..."

"we can call each other's a matter of two weeks and I also had to visit my parents in India cause after that my job will start so I won't be able to go there...So I think it'll work."

"But I'll miss you"

"I will miss you too...don't worry.. everthing will be fine..."

"But in future I'll have to go for tours for months..why will things work..."

"Ohh come one..don't worry about these things..everything will be fine.. and I should be the one will meet many pretty girls what if you fall for them..what will I do???"

"I won't...I love you..."

"but still..."

"No one can turn me on like you do.. and I have your photo in that lingerie so everything will work out..." He whispered and started nibbling my ear sending chilling down my spine...

"what are you doing tae???"

"I am trying to seduce it working???"

"You'll have to try harder than that.."

He turned me and kissed me on my lips..pulling me closer by my waist.. He was kissing me hastily, roughly making me moan, grinding his croutch against me, turing me on..
I shouldn't have asked for it...
He pulled back and smirked at my expression seeing his effect on me..

"Harder than that.."

"Do you want me to wear that for you???..." I pointed towards my bag..
"so wait in your room"

These 2 days are going to be hectic...

A/n - I leave the rest to your wild imagination..I can't write another mature scene..I am sorry for that..

It's been 5 years since we started dating...and yes it was hard..we laughed, we fought, we cried, we let insecurity and jealousy comsume us but still we sticked together...I still don't know what our future is going to be...but I definitely won't give up on him...I always knew that a one night stand could change one's life but I never knew it can change my life like this...

A/n : Thank you for reading and supporting me

One night stand :Kim Taehyung KTH (Bts)Where stories live. Discover now